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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2014 Kuan-Wen Wang. A review of glass compositions around the South China Sea region (the late 1st millennium BC to the 1st millennium AD): placing iron age glass beads from Taiwan in context Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Kuan-Wen 2014 #28043]
Journal Article 1996 Li Guo, Neolithic sand bar sites round the Pearl River estuary area and Hainan: a comparative study Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Li 1996 #31721]
Journal Article 2021 Li, Dawei Ecological change and human responses to the YD in a subtropical area: Archaeological evidences and isotope records from Zhongshan site, south China Quaternary International [Li, 2021 #37110]
Journal Article 2022 Li, Hao Mobility and settlement dynamics of Large Cutting Tool makers in the subtropical forests of South China: A simulated ecological approach Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Li, 2022 #37086]
Journal Article 2019 Li, Yinghua Luobi Cave, South China: a comparative perspective on a novel cobble-tool industry associated with bone-tool technology during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition Journal of World Prehistory [Li, 2019 #18959]
Journal Article 2020 Liang, Hua A late Middle Pleistocene mammalian fauna recovered in northeast Guangxi, southern China: implications for regional biogeography Quaternary International [Liang, 2020 #36856]
Journal Article 2019 Liao, Wei Mosaic dental morphology in a terminal Pleistocene hominin from Dushan Cave in southern China Scientific Reports [Liao, 2019 #26668]
Journal Article 2003 Lie-dan Lu, Tracey New archaeological discoveries in south China Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Lie-dan 2003 #31203]
Journal Article 1992 Liu, K. Environmental change in the Yangtze River Delta since 12,000 years B.P Quaternary Research [Liu, 1992 #35682]
Journal Article 2011 Lu, Tracey L-D Early pottery in south China Asian Perspectives (2010) [Lu, 2011 #28608]
Journal Article Lu, Tracey Lie-Dan From barkcloth beating to silk weaving: the textile industry from prehistory to the western Han Dynasty in south China Textile Museum Journal [Lu, #33652]
Journal Article 2023 Lu, Yongxiu Diversification of faunal exploitation strategy and human-climate interaction in Southern China and Southeast Asia during the last deglaciation Quaternary Science Reviews [Lu, 2023 #37309]
Journal Article 1989 Lufan, Chen A preliminary analysis of important cultural relics of the Nanzhao-Dali Kingdom Journal of the Siam Society [Lufan, 1989 #36715]
Journal Article 2018 Ma, Ting Holocene fire and forest histories in relation to climate change and agriculture development in southeastern China Quaternary International [Ma, 2018 #26746]
Journal Article 1952 Magliani, Raphael Archaeology in south China Journal of East Asiatic Studies [Magliani, 1952 #35877]
Book Section 1983 Meacham, William Origins and development of the Yueh coastal Neolithic: a microcosm of culture change on the mainland of east Asia The origins of Chinese civilization [Meacham, 1983 #25109]
Journal Article 1996 Meacham, William Defining the hundred Yue Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Meacham, 1996 #31734]
Journal Article 1988 Meacham, William On the improbability of Austronesian origins in south China Asian Perspectives (1984-1985) [Meacham, 1988 #33039]
Journal Article 1999 Meacham, William Neolithic to historic in the Hong Kong region Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Meacham, 1999 #35457]
Journal Article 1991 Meacham, William Further considerations of the hypothesized Austronesian Neolithic migration from South China to Taiwan and Luzon Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Meacham, 1991 #35579]
Journal Article 1977 Meacham, William Continuity and local evolution in the Neolithic of South China Current Anthropology [Meacham, 1977 #35878]
Journal Article 2004 Miller-Antonio, Sari Lithic raw material use at the Late Middle Pleistocene site of Panxian Dadong Asian Perspectives (2004) [Miller-Antonio, 2004 #30595]
Book Section 2001 Mingram, J. A 78,000 year record of climatic changes from the south China coast - the Huguang Maar Lake (Huguangyan) Monsoon and civilization: the 2nd international workshop of the ALDP (Asian Lake Drilling Programme) [Mingram, 2001 #24568]
Journal Article 1982 Nguyen Duy Hinh, Do dong vung dong nam Trung Quoc [ Bronze articles in southeast China ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1982 #31276]
Journal Article 1997 Normile, Dennis Yangtze seen as earliest rice site Science [Normile, 1997 #35170]
Journal Article 1992 Olsen, John W. The Palaeolithic in southern China Asian Perspectives (1992) [Olsen, 1992 #32927]
Journal Article 1981 Pearson, Richard Social complexity in Chinese coastal Neolithic sites Science [Pearson, 1981 #35720]
Journal Article 1935 Pei, Wen-chung On a Mesolithic (?) industry in the caves of Kwangsi Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Pei, 1935 #35956]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Peregrine, Peter Southeast China Early Neolithic Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Peregrine, 2001 #25909]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2001 Peregrine, Peter N. Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Peregrine, 2001 #22078]