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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2005 Codron, Jacqui Taxonomic, anatomical, and spatio-temporal variations in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of plants from an African savanna Journal of Archaeological Science [Codron, 2005 #30153]
Book Section 1994 Coffin, R. B. The use of stable carbon isotopes to study microbial processes in estuaries Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Coffin, 1994 #24450]
Journal Article 1987 Collier, Stephen The importance of marine protein in the diet of coastal Australian aborigines Current Anthropology [Collier, 1987 #34749]
Journal Article 1995 Collins, Matthew J. A basic mathematical simulation of the chemical degradation of ancient collagen Journal of Archaeological Science [Collins, 1995 #34383]
Journal Article 2002 Coltrain, Joan Brenner Climate and diet in Fremont prehistory: Economic variability and abandonment of maize agriculture in the Great Salt Lake Basin American Antiquity [Coltrain, 2002 #33736]
Book Section 1996 Cooke, Richard Native Americans and the Panamanian landscape Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology [Cooke, 1996 #24663]
Journal Article 1996 Cormie, A. B. Effects of climate on deer bone delta<sup>15</sup>N and delta<sup>13</sup>C: Lack of precipitation effects on delta<sup>15</sup>N for animals consuming low amounts of C<sub>4</sub> plants Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Cormie, 1996 #33735]
Journal Article 1983 DeNiro, Michael J. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen: variations within individuals, between sexes, and within populations raised on monotonous diets Journal of Archaeological Science [DeNiro, 1983 #34150]
Journal Article 1985 DeNiro, Michael J. Effect of heating on the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen Journal of Archaeological Science [DeNiro, 1985 #34735]
Journal Article 1978 DeNiro, Michael J. Influence of diet on the distribution of carbon isotopes in animals Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [DeNiro, 1978 #34738]
Journal Article 1978 DeNiro, Michael J. Carbon isotopic evidence for difference feeding patterns in two hyrax species occupying the same habitat Science [DeNiro, 1978 #34739]
Journal Article 1977 DeNiro, Michael J. Mechanism of carbon isotope fractionation associated with lipid synthesis Science [DeNiro, 1977 #34740]
Journal Article 2000 Ding, Z. L. C<sub>3</sub> /C<sub>4</sub> vegetation evolution over the last 7.0 Myr in the Chinese Loess Plateau: evidence from pedogenic carbonate delta<sup>13</sup>C Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Ding, 2000 #34382]
Journal Article 1991 Dorozynski, A. Collagen: a new probe into prehistoric diet [news] Science [Dorozynski, 1991 #34728]
Journal Article 1999 Dufour, Elise Palaeodietary implications of isotopic variability in Eurasian lacustrine fish Journal of Archaeological Science [Dufour, 1999 #34381]
Journal Article 2001 Dupras, Tosha L. Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Dupras, 2001 #34380]
Journal Article 2000 Edwards, T. W. D. delta<sup>13</sup>C response surface resolves humidity and temperature signals in trees Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Edwards, 2000 #34379]
Journal Article 1986 Ehleringer, J. R. Leaf carbon isotope and mineral composition in subtropical plants along an irradiance cline Oecologia [Ehleringer, 1986 #26606]
Journal Article 1987 Ehleringer, J. R. Leaf carbon isotope ratios of plants from a subtropical monsoon forest Oecologia [Ehleringer, 1987 #26607]
Book in a Series 1993 Ehleringer, James R. Stable isotopes and plant carbon - water relations [Ehleringer, 1993 #21893]
Journal Article 2000 Emery, Kitty F. Isotopic analysis of ancient deer bone: biotic stability in collapse period Maya land-use Journal of Archaeological Science [Emery, 2000 #34378]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Eriksson, Gunilla Do dogs like to eat humans? Marine stable isotope signals in dog teeth from inland Zvejnieki Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe [Eriksson, 2002 #26021]
Journal Article 1995 Evershed, Richard P. Preliminary results of the analysis of lipids in ancient bone Journal of Archaeological Science [Evershed, 1995 #34376]
Journal Article 1985 Farnsworth, Paul A re-evaluation of the isotopic and archaeological reconstructions of diet in the Tehuacan Valley American Antiquity [Farnsworth, 1985 #34713]
Book Section 1989 Farquhar, G. D. Carbon isotope fractionation and plant water-use efficiency Stable isotopes in ecological research [Farquhar, 1989 #24459]
Journal Article 1989 Farquhar, Graham D. Carbon isotope discrimination and photosynthesis Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology [Farquhar, 1989 #30138]
Journal Article 2000 Feranec, Robert S. Evolution of the grazing niche in Pleistocene mammals from Florida: evidence from stable isotopes Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Feranec, 2000 #34375]
Journal Article 2000 Fey, Axel Effect of temperature on carbon and electron flow and on the archaeal community in methanogenic rice field soil Applied and Environmental Microbiology [Fey, 2000 #33727]
Journal Article 1995 Fizet, Marc Effect of diet, physiology and climate on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of collagen in a Late Pleistocene anthropic palaeoecosystem: Marillac, Charente, France Journal of Archaeological Science [Fizet, 1995 #34712]
Journal Article 2003 Fogel, Marilyn L. Extending the limits of paleodietary studies of humans with compound specific carbon isotope analysis of amino acids Journal of Archaeological Science [Fogel, 2003 #31818]