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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2023 Leipe, Christian Population dynamics in Taiwan from the Neolithic to early historic periods (5000-100cal BP): linking cultural developments and environmental change Archaeological Research in Asia [Leipe, 2023 #37276]
Journal Article 2000 Li Kuang-ti, Change and stability in the dietary system of prehistoric O-Luan-Pi inhabitants in southern Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Li 2000 #35174]
Journal Article 2006 Liew Ping-Mei Pollen stratigraphy, vegetation and environment of the last glacial and Holocene—a record from Toushe Basin, central Taiwan Quaternary International [Liew 2006 #30343]
Journal Article 2006 Liew, P. M. Holocene thermal optimal and climate variability of East Asian monsoon inferred from forest reconstruction of a subalpine pollen sequence, Taiwan Earth and Planetary Science Letters [Liew, 2006 #28588]
Journal Article 1964 Lin, C. C. Geology and ecology of Taiwan prehistory Asian Perspectives (1963) [Lin, 1964 #33495]
Book Section 2000 Liu, Yi-ch'ang Prehistory and Austronesians in Taiwan: an archaeological perspective Austronesian Taiwan: linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Liu, 2000 #24099]
Journal Article 1991 Meacham, William Further considerations of the hypothesized Austronesian Neolithic migration from South China to Taiwan and Luzon Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Meacham, 1991 #35579]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Book Section 2000 Nobayashi, Atsushi Retrospect of Taiwan archaeology: the Japanese colonial period Austronesian Taiwan: linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Nobayashi, 2000 #24098]
Journal Article 2006 Oppenheimer, Stephen Response to Peter Bellwood and Jared Diamond (2005): 'On explicit "replacement" models in island Southeast Asia: a reply to Stephen Oppenheimer World Archaeology [Oppenheimer, 2006 #28632]
Journal Article 1967 Pearson, R. Prehistoric cultures of East Taiwan Asian and Pacific Archaeology [Pearson, 1967 #28897]
Journal Article 1970 Pearson, Richard Archaeological investigations in Eastern Taiwan Asian Perspectives (1968) [Pearson, 1970 #33432]
Book Section 1995 Pietrusewsky, Michael Taiwan aboriginals, Asians and Pacific Islanders: a multivariate investigation of skulls Symposium Series of the Insitute of History and Philosophy [Pietrusewsky, 1995 #24696]
Journal Article 2003 Pietrusewsky, Michael Taiwan aboriginals and peoples of the Pacific-Asia region: multivariate craniometric comparisons Anthropological Science [Pietrusewsky, 2003 #31256]
Journal Article 2003 Pietrusewsky, Michael A preliminary assessment of health and disease in human skeletal remains from Shi San Hang: a prehistoric aboriginal site on Taiwan Anthropological Science [Pietrusewsky, 2003 #31257]
Journal Article 2017 Sagart, Laurent Austronesian and Chinese words for the millets Language Dynamics and Change [Sagart, 2017 #26896]
Journal Article 1994 Solheim, Wilhelm G., II Review of "Archaeology of the P'eng-Hu Islands" by Tsang Cheng-hwa Asian Perspectives (1994) [Solheim, 1994 #32886]
Journal Article 1964 Solheim, Wilhelm G., II Formosan relationships with Southeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1963) [Solheim, 1964 #33498]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Spriggs, Matthew Archéologie insulaire Le Pacifique, ou, L’odyssée de l’espèce: bilan civilisationniste du grand océan [Spriggs, 1996 #25613]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Spriggs, Matthew From Taiwan to the Tuamotus: Absolute dating of Austronesian language spread and major sub-groups Archaeology and language II: correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses [Spriggs, 1998 #25942]
Journal Article 1991 Spriggs, Matthew Considering Meacham's considerations on Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Spriggs, 1991 #35571]
Book Section 1981 Sung, Wen-hsun On man and culture of the Pleistocene in Taiwan Proceedings of the International Conference on Sinology [Sung, 1981 #23632]
Report 1969 Sung, Wen-hsun Changpinian: a newly discovered preceramic culture from the agglomerate caves on the east coast of Taiwan - preliminary report [Sung, 1969 #36217]
Journal Article 2000 Tsang Cheng-wa, Recent advances in the Iron Age archaeology of Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Tsang 2000 #35192]
Book 2006 Tsang, Cheng-hwa Footprints of ancestors: archaeological discoveries in Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park [Tsang, 2006 #20802]
Journal Article 1967 Tsukada, Matsuo Vegetation in subtropical Formosa during the Pleistocene glaciations and the Holocene Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Tsukada, 1967 #33783]
Journal Article 1966 Tsukada, Matsuo Late Pleistocene vegetation and climate in Taiwan (Formosa) PNAS [Tsukada, 1966 #33911]
Journal Article 1984 Turner, Christy G., II Diachronic differences in Taiwan dental morphology Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Turner, 1984 #35749]
Journal Article 2021 Wang, Kuan-Wen Glass beads from Guishan in Iron Age Taiwan: Inter-regional bead exchange between Taiwan, Southeast Asia and beyond Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Wang, 2021 #37095]
Journal Article 2006 Wu, Eleanor B. Morris Cultural resource management of Taipei's indigenous folk temples Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Wu, 2006 #30040]