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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1961 Bosch, F. D. K. The problem of Hindu colonization in India Selected studies in Indonesian archaeology [Bosch, 1961 #23925]
Book (Edited) 1995 Boussan, Marie-Françoise Athens, Aden, Arikamedu: essays on the interrelations between India, Arabia, and the Eastern Mediterranean [Boussan, 1995 #21518]
Book Section in a Series 2017 Bouvet, Phaedra Indian fine wares Khao Sam Kaeo: An Early Port-City between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea [Bouvet, 2017 #25361]
Journal Article 1904 Boyer, A. M. Deux inscriptions en Kharoṣṭhī du Musée de Lahore Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Boyer, 1904 #27471]
Book 1970 Breeks, James Wilkinson An account of the primitive tribes and monuments of the Nilagiris [Breeks, 1970 #20729]
Book Section 1987 Brill, R. H. Chemical analyses of some early Indian glasses Archaeometry of Glass [Brill, 1987 #23904]
Book 1976 Brooks, Robert Stone age painting in India [Brooks, 1976 #20122]
Journal Article 2007 Brumm, Adam Stone axe technology in Neolithic South India: new evidence from the Sanganakallu-Kupgal region, mideastern Karnataka Asian Perspectives (2007) [Brumm, 2007 #29997]
Journal Article 1937 Buch, W. J. M. La Compagnie des Indes néerlandaises et l'Indochine Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Buch, 1937 #27065]
Journal Article 1936 Buch, W. J. M. La Compagnie des Indes néerlandaises et l'Indochine Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Buch, 1936 #27072]
Book 1807 Buchanan, Francis A journey from Madras through the countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar for the express purpose of investigating the state of agriculture [Buchanan, 1807 #20721]
Journal Article 1982 Buth, G. M. Investigations of palaeoethnobotanical remains from Semthan, Kashmir Man and Environment [Buth, 1982 #29916]
Journal Article 2008 Campbell Cole, Barbie Heirloom beads of the Kachin and Naga BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers [Campbell 2008 #28129]
Journal Article 1977 Carswell, John China and Islam: a survey of the coast of India and Ceylon Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society [Carswell, 1977 #29908]
Book 1949 Casal, Jean Marie Fouilles de Virampatnam-Arikamedu: rapport de l'Inde et de l'Occident aux environs de l'ère chrétienne [Casal, 1949 #20710]
Book 1956 Casal, Jean-Marie Site urbain et sites funéraires des environs de Pondichéry: Virampatnam, Mouttrapaléon, Souttoukèny [Casal, 1956 #20708]
Book Section 1991 Casson, Lionel Ancient naval technology and the route to India Rome and India: the ancient sea trade [Casson, 1991 #23398]
Journal Article 1980 Casson, Lionel Rome's trade with the east: the sea voyage to Africa and India Transactions of the American Philological Society [Casson, 1980 #29905]
Journal Article 2016 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Archaeogenetic study of prehistoric rice remains from Thailand and India: evidence of early <i>japonica</i> in South and Southeast Asia Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Castillo, 2016 #27922]
Book 1944 Cœdès, George Histoire ancienne des états hindouisés d'Extrême-Orient [Cœdès, 1944 #19865]
Journal Article 1943 Cedés, G. Etudes cambodgiennes XXXVII: Le site de Janapada d'après une inscription de Pràsàt Khnà Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cedés, 1943 #32189]
Book Section 2011 Chaisuwan, Boonyarit Early contacts between India and the Andaman Coast in Thailand from the second century BCE to eleventh century CE Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Chaisuwan, 2011 #23023]
Book 1995 Chakrabarti, Dilip The archaeology of ancient Indian cities [Chakrabarti, 1995 #20700]
Book 1992 Chakrabarti, Dilip The early use of iron in India [Chakrabarti, 1992 #20702]
Book Section 1997 Chakrabarti, Dilip The problem of tin in early India: a preliminary survey A source book of Indian archaeology, vol. II: settlements, technology and trade [Chakrabarti, 1997 #23900]
Journal Article 1976 Chakrabarti, Dilip The beginnings of iron in India Antiquity [Chakrabarti, 1976 #29903]
Journal Article 1972 Chakrabarti, Dilip K. Prehistoric Ganges Basin Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient [Chakrabarti, 1972 #28369]
Book 1966 Chakraborti, Haripada Trade and commerce of ancient India, c. 200 B.C.-c. 650 A.D. [Chakraborti, 1966 #20699]
Book Section 1987 Champalakshimi, R. Urbanization in south India: the role of ideology and polity Indian History Congress: proceedings of the forty-seventh session Kashmir University, Srinagar, 1986 [Champalakshimi, 1987 #23897]
Book Section Charlesworth, Martin P. Roman trade with India: a resurvey Studies in Roman economic and social history [Charlesworth, #23892]