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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series 1978 Mukherjee, Meera Metalcraftsmen of India [Mukherjee, 1978 #21712]
Thesis 2009 Pryce, T. O. Prehistoric copper production and technological reproduction in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley of central Thailand Institute of Archaeology [Pryce, 2009 #36371]
Journal Article 1994 Bronson, Bennet Eyewitness accounts of the early mining and smelting of metals in mainland Southeast Asia SPAFA Journal [Bronson, 1994 #29214]
Book (Edited) 1993 La Niece, Susan Metal plating and patination: cultural and historical developments [La 1993 #21473]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Sun Shuyun, A study of casting and manufacturing techniques of early copper and bronze artifacts found in Gansu The beginnings of metallurgy in China [Sun 2000 #25674]
Book (Edited) 2003 Craddock, Paul Mining and metal production through the ages [Craddock, 2003 #21494]
Journal Article 1980 Rostoker, William The carbon reduction of fully oxidized chalcopyrite (copper) ores Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society [Rostoker, 1980 #29725]
Journal Article 1971 Rowlands, M. J. The archaeological interpretation of prehistoric metalworking World Archaeology [Rowlands, 1971 #29722]
Journal Article 1982 Shimada, Izumi Batán Grande: a prehistoric metallurgical center in Peru Science [Shimada, 1982 #29709]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Rowlands, Michael J. The magical production of iron in the Cameroon grassfields The archaeology of Africa: food, metals, and towns [Rowlands, 1993 #25763]
Book in a Series 1976 Rowlands, M. J. The production and distribution of metalwork in the Middle Bronze Age in Southern Britain [Rowlands, 1976 #21747]
Book (Edited) 1996 Schmidt, Peter R. The culture and technology of African iron production [Schmidt, 1996 #21496]
Journal Article 1986 Rehder, J. E. Primitive furnaces and the development of metallurgy Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society [Rehder, 1986 #29731]
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Andrew Symbolism and the social contexts of iron production in Karagwe World Archaeology [Reid, 1995 #29730]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Rehder, J. E. High temperature technology in antiquity: a sourcebook on the design and operation of ancient furnaces The beginnings of metallurgy: proceedings of the International Conference "The Beginnings of Metallurgy", Bochum, 1995 [Rehder, 1999 #25765]
Journal Article 1979 Oddy, W. A. Hand-made wire in antiquity: a correction MASCA Journal [Oddy, 1979 #29758]
Book Section 2003 Miller, D. Indigenous copper mining and smelting in pre-colonial southern Africa Mining and metal production through the ages [Miller, 2003 #23824]
BAR Section 1999 Pigott, Vincent C. Reconstructing the copper production process as practised among prehistoric mining/metallurgical communities in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley of Central Thailand Metals in antiquity [Pigott, 1999 #19667]
Journal Article 1928 Matsuda, Tsutomu On the quenching and tempering of brass, bronze, and "aluminum" bronze Journal of the Institute of Metals [Matsuda, 1928 #29767]
Book Section 1991 Glumac, Petar D. Neolithic copper smelting slags from the Middle Danube Basin Archaeometry '90 [Glumac, 1991 #23843]
Book Section 1996 Goucher, Candice L. The blooms of Banjeli: technology and gender in West African iron making The culture and technology of African iron production [Goucher, 1996 #23842]
Book 1978 Eliade, Mircea The forge and the crucible [Eliade, 1978 #20631]
Book 1973 Davies, G. J. Solidification and casting [Davies, 1973 #20635]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Li, Yung-ti Specialization, context of production, and alienation in the production process: comments and afterthoughts Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Li, 2007 #25813]
Thesis 1994 Armstrong, Lisa A. Interacting technologies: the analysis of ingot molds and associated industrial ceramics from Non Pa Wai, a prehistoric copper smelting site in central Thailand [Armstrong, 1994 #36389]
Book 1988 Barnes, J. W. Ores and minerals: introducing economic geology [Barnes, 1988 #20654]
Book Section 1989 Craddock, P.T. The production of lead, silver and zinc in early India Old World archaeometallurgy [Craddock, 1989 #23869]
Journal Article 1985 Godoy, Ricardo Mining: anthropological perspectives Annual Review of Anthropology [Godoy, 1985 #30133]
Journal Article 1996 Bui Thi Tan, Nghe luyen sat cua mot lang Viet o thoi Nguyen [ Iron fabrication in a Viet village in Nguyen Dynasty ] Khao Co Hoc [Bui 1996 #30839]
Book Section 2003 Mudar, Karen M. Subsistence changes and community-based craft production in prehistoric central Thailand Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Mudar, 2003 #24341]