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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2015 Tripathi, Vibha Metallurgical innovations and pattern of adaptation of iron in early cultures of India Metals and civilizations [Tripathi, 2015 #22399]
Book Section 2015 Vaish, Ashok Kumar Improvements in traditional Indian iron making technology Metals and civilizations [Vaish, 2015 #22398]
Book Section 2015 Balasubrmaniam, Ramamurthy Ancient Indian iron and steel and modern scientific insights Metals and civilizations [Balasubrmaniam, 2015 #22397]
Book Section 2015 Jaikishan, S. Caste, community and rituals in wootz making centres of Telangana - a cultural continuity in wootz making tradition Metals and civilizations [Jaikishan, 2015 #22382]
Book Section 2015 Bennett, Anna Manufacture, use and trade of late prehistoric iron billhooks from mainland Southeast Asia Metals and civilizations [Bennett, 2015 #22411]
Journal Article 2011 Naizatul Akma Mokhtar, The ancient iron smelting in Sg. Batu, Bujang Valley, Kedah Postgraduate Student Forum: Current Asian Anthropology [Naizatul 2011 #27738]
Book Section 2009 Wu Go, From Western Asia to the Tianshan Muntains: on the early iron artefacts found in Xinjiang Metallurgy and civilisation: Eurasia and beyond [Wu 2009 #22421]
BAR Section 1999 Wagner, Donald B. The earliest use of iron in China Metals in antiquity [Wagner, 1999 #19658]
Book Section 2009 Han, Rubin An early iron-using centre in the ancient Jin state region (8th-3rd Century B.C.) Metallurgy and civilisation: Eurasia and beyond [Han, 2009 #22428]
Book Section 2009 Gilmour, Brian Specialization in iron- and steel-making in the early Middle East and Central Asia: assumptions and a reassessment of early manuscript evidence Metallurgy and civilisation: Eurasia and beyond [Gilmour, 2009 #22429]
Journal Article 2008 Gallon, M. D. The political economy of iron in late prehistoric South India Antiquity [Gallon, 2008 #27849]
Journal Article 2015 Jianjun Mei, Archaeometallurgical studies in China: some recent developments and challenging issues Journal of Archaeological Science [Jianjun 2015 #28009]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1954 Needham, Joseph Chemistry and chemical technology [Needham, 1954 #22031]
Journal Article 2001 Wagner, Donald B. The administration of the iron industry in eleventh-century China Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient [Wagner, 2001 #28073]
Journal Article 1979 Hedges, R. E. M. The heavy mineral separation of ancient ceramics by centrifugation: a preliminary report Archaeometry [Hedges, 1979 #28076]
Journal Article 2014 Pryce, Thomas Oliver The iron kuay of cambodia: tracing the role of peripheral populations in Angkorian to colonial Cambodia via a 1200 year old industrial landscape Journal of Archaeological Science [Pryce, 2014 #28140]
Journal Article 2013 Biggs, Lynn Prehistoric iron production technologies in the Upper Thai-Malay Peninsula: metallography and slag inclusion analyses of iron artefacts from Khao Sam Kaeo and Phu Khao Thong Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Biggs, 2013 #28200]
Thesis 2010 Issarawan Yoopom, The study of ancient iron-smelting furnaces at Ban Khao Din Tai, Ban Kruad district, Buri Ram province Department of Archaeology [Issarawan 2010 #36324]
Report 2010 Chanthourn, Thuy Report on new discovery of forges (proposal to inventory prehistoric sites in Cambodia) [Chanthourn, 2010 #36170]
Journal Article 1882 Moura, J. Fabrication du fer chez les Cuois du Compong-Soai Revue d'Ethnographie [Moura, 1882 #28235]
Journal Article 2013 Hendrickson, Mitch Using in-slag charcoal as an indicator of "terminal" iron production within the Angkorian period (10th-13th centuries AD) center of Preah Khan of Kompang Svay, Cambodia Radiocarbon [Hendrickson, 2013 #28240]
Book Section 2014 Gullapalli, Praveena Early metal in South India: copper and iron in megalithic contexts Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Gullapalli, 2014 #22754]
Book Section 2013 Bennett, Anna The importance of iron: its development and complexity in the Southeast Asian iron age Unearthing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Bennett, 2013 #22848]
Journal Article 2010 Cawte, Hayden James Laterite nodules: a credible source of iron ore in iron age northeast Thailand? Geoarchaeology [Cawte, 2010 #28348]
Journal Article 2009 Juleff, G. Technology and evolution: a root and branch view of Asian iron from first-millennium BC Sri Lanka to Japanese steel World Archaeology [Juleff, 2009 #28410]
Journal Article 2010 Pryce, T. O. Smelting iron from laterite: technical possiblility or ethnographic aberration? Asian Perspectives (2009) [Pryce, 2010 #28463]
Book 1969 Bean, J. H. The iron-ore deposits of West Malaysia Economic Bulletin [Bean, 1969 #20062]
Journal Article 2003 Veldhuijzen, Harald Alexander 'Slag_Fun' - a new tool for archaeometallurgy: development of an analytical (P)ED-XRF method for iron-rich materials Papers from the Institute of Archaeology [Veldhuijzen, 2003 #28541]
Book 1920 Kruyt, Albertus Christiaan Het ijzer in Midden-Celebes Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indiƫ [Kruyt, 1920 #20073]
Journal Article 1981 Subbarayappa, B. V. Cultural contours of iron in ancient India Science Today [Subbarayappa, 1981 #28714]