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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1984 Reichart, P. Streptococcus mutans and caries prevalence in Lisu and Karen of northern Thailand Journal of Dental Research [Reichart, 1984 #35119]
Journal Article 1989 Ohshima, H. Identification in rats of N-nitrosonipecotic acid as a major urinary metabolite of the areca-nut alkaloid-derived nitrosamines, N nitrosoguvacoline and N-nitrosoguvacine Cancer Letters [Ohshima, 1989 #35118]
Journal Article 1977 Möller, I. J. The relation between betel chewing and dental caries Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research [Möller, 1977 #35117]
Journal Article 1960 Muir, C. S. Betel, tobacco, and cancer of the mouth British Journal of Cancer [Muir, 1960 #35116]
Journal Article 1995 Murti, P. R. Etiology of oral submucous fibrosis with special reference to the role of areca nut chewing Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine [Murti, 1995 #35115]
Journal Article 1990 Murti, P. R. Effect on the incidence of oral submucous fibrosis of intervention in the areca nut chewing habit Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine [Murti, 1990 #35114]
Journal Article 1987 Nair, J. Endogenous nitrosation in the oral cavity of chewers while chewing betel quid with or without tobacco IARC Scientific Publications [Nair, 1987 #35113]
Journal Article 1985 Nair, J. Tobacco-specific and betel nut-specific N-nitroso compounds: occurrence in saliva and urine of betel quid chewers and formation in vitro by nitrosation of betel quid Carcinogenesis [Nair, 1985 #35112]
Journal Article 1987 Nair, U. J. Formation of reactive oxygen species and of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in DNA in vitro with betel quid ingredients Chemico-Biological Interactions [Nair, 1987 #35111]
Journal Article 1990 Nair, U. J. Effect of lime composition on the formation of reactive oxygen species from areca nut extract in vitro Carcinogenesis [Nair, 1990 #35110]
Journal Article 1995 Nair, U. J. Ortho- and meta-tyrosine formation from phenylalanine in human saliva as a marker of hydroxyl radical generation during betel quid chewing Carcinogenesis [Nair, 1995 #35109]
Journal Article 1992 Nair, U. J. Role of lime in the generation of reactive oxygen species from betel-quid ingredients Environmental Health Perspectives [Nair, 1992 #35108]
Journal Article 1968 Nieschulz, O. On betel nut and its active substance Medizinische Monatsschrift [Nieschulz, 1968 #35107]
Journal Article 1990 Nigam, P. Betel chewing and dental decay Federation Operative Dentistry [Nigam, 1990 #35106]
Journal Article 1987 Noor, Awang M. Quantitative analysis of areca catechu (betel) nut flavanols (tannins) in relation to oral submucous fibrosis Dental Journal of Malaysia [Noor, 1987 #35105]
Journal Article 1956 Raghavan, V. On areca nut and its scope Science and Culture [Raghavan, 1956 #35104]
Journal Article 1981 Pai, S. R. Long-term feeding study in C17 mice administered saccharin coated betel nut and 1,4-dinitrosopiperazine in combination Carcinogenesis [Pai, 1981 #35103]
Journal Article 1982 Panigrahi, G. B. Chromosome-breaking ability of arecoline, a major betel-nut alkaloid in mouse bone-marrow cells in vivo Mutation Research [Panigrahi, 1982 #35102]
Journal Article 1984 Panigrahi, G. B. Induction of in vivo sister chromatid exchanges by arecaidine, a betel nut alkaloid, in mouse bone-marrow cells Cancer Letters [Panigrahi, 1984 #35101]
Journal Article 1986 Panigrahi, G. B. Study of the genotoxicity of the total aqueous extract of betel nut and its tannin Carcinogenesis [Panigrahi, 1986 #35100]
Journal Article 1991 Parkin, D. M. Liver cancer in Thailand. I. A case-control study of cholangiocarcinoma International Journal of Cancer [Parkin, 1991 #35099]
Journal Article 1994 Patel, R. K. Ethanol potentiates the clastogenicity of pan masala--an in vitro experience Carcinogenesis [Patel, 1994 #35098]
Journal Article 1979 Pathak, J. N. Clinical analysis of irritating chewing habits Journal of the Indian Dental Association [Pathak, 1979 #35097]
Journal Article 1994 Pickwell, S. M. Betelmania'. Betel quid chewing by Cambodian women in the United States and its potential health effects Western Journal of Medicine [Pickwell, 1994 #35096]
Journal Article 1973 Pindborg, J. J. Illustration of betel (areca) nut chewing in Sawankalok celadon figurines from Thailand Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences [Pindborg, 1973 #35095]
Journal Article 1967 Pindborg, J. J. Studies in oral leukoplakias. Prevalence of leukoplakia among 10,000 persons in Lucknow, India, with special reference to use of tobacco and betel nut Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Pindborg, 1967 #35094]
Journal Article 1968 Pindborg, J. J. Epidemiology and histology of oral leukoplakia and leukoedema among Papuans and New Guineans Cancer [Pindborg, 1968 #35093]
Journal Article 1984 Pindborg, J. J. Pilot survey of oral mucosa in areca (betel) nut chewers on Hainan Island of the People's Republic of China Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology [Pindborg, 1984 #35092]
Journal Article 1993 Polasa, K. Dose-dependent genotoxic effect of pan masala and areca nut in the Salmonella typhimurium assay Food and Chemical Toxicology [Polasa, 1993 #35091]
Journal Article 1979 Price, M. L. Overcoming the nutritionally harmful effects of tannin in sorghum grain by treatment with inexpensive chemicals Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry [Price, 1979 #35090]