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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Report 1989 Spriggs, M. Report to the Manus Provincial Government and PNG National Government on archaeological research in Manus Province, May-June 1989 [Spriggs, 1989 #36200]
Report 1985 Spriggs, M. Archaeological field work on Nissan Island, North Solomons Province, Papua New Guinea: preliminary report Report to the North Solomons Province and PNG Government [Spriggs, 1985 #36206]
Report 1986 Spriggs, M. Archaeology and prehistory in Nissan Report prepared for the teachers in the Nissan and Pinipir community schools. [Spriggs, 1986 #36205]
Report 1986 Spriggs, M. Archaeological research on Nissan 1986 Preliminary report to provincial and national government authorities [Spriggs, 1986 #36204]
Conference Paper 1988 Spriggs, M. Archaeological research in the North Solomons Province, PNG: 1966-1988 Waigani Seminar, September 1988 [Spriggs, 1988 #26438]
Journal Article 1993 Turner, Christy G. II Human dentition from the Akari site, Madang, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Turner, 1993 #29118]
Journal Article 1991 Gosden, Chris Diversity, continuity and change in the Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Gosden, 1991 #29131]
Journal Article 1991 Specht, Jim What was the significance of Lapita pottery at Talasea? Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Specht, 1991 #29130]
Journal Article 1991 Green, R. C. The Lapita Cultural Complex: current evidence and proposed models Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Green, 1991 #29129]
Journal Article 1982 Kennedy, Jean Archaeology in the Admiralty Islands: some excursions Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kennedy, 1982 #29185]
Journal Article 1982 White, Peter J. Notes on some stone tools from Passismanua, New Britain Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [White, 1982 #29184]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Fredericksen, Clayton Pamwak Rockshelter: a Pleistocene rockshelter on Manus Island, PNG Sahul in review: Pleistocene archaeology in Australia, New Guinea and island Melanesia [Fredericksen, 1993 #25614]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Spriggs, Matthew Nissan, the island in the middle: summary report on excavations at the north end of the Solomons and the south end of the Bismarcks Results of the Lapita Homeland Project [Spriggs, 1991 #25623]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Spriggs, Matthew Traditional uses of fresh water in Papua New Guinea: past neglect and future possibilities Traditional conservation in Papua New Guinea: implications for today. Proceedings of a conference organized by the Office of Environment and Conservation and the Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research in Port Moresby, 27-31 October, 1980 [Spriggs, 1982 #25631]
Journal Article 1992 Spriggs, Matthew Alternative prehistories for Bougainville: regional, national or micronational The Contemporary Pacific [Spriggs, 1992 #29321]
Book Section 2007 Sofwanhadi, Rio Cephalometric survey of Papuan populations Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Sofwanhadi, 2007 #23743]
Book Section 2007 Tommasea-Ponzetta, M. Mitochondrial DNA M and N haplogroups in West New Guinea populations Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Tommasea-Ponzetta, 2007 #23742]
Journal Article 2007 Kononenko, Nina The contribution of use-wear/residue studies of obsidian artefacts for understanding changes in settlement and subsistence patterns in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kononenko, 2007 #29565]
Journal Article 1995 Gosden, Chris Arboriculture and agriculture in coastal Papua and New Guinea Antiquity [Gosden, 1995 #29636]
Journal Article 1989 Allen, J. Human Pleistocene adaptations in the tropical Pacific: recent evidence from New Ireland, a Greater Australian outliers Antiquity [Allen, 1989 #30008]
Journal Article 1988 Ambrose, W. R. An early bronze artefact from Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Ambrose, 1988 #30006]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Lilley, Ian East of Irian: archaeology in Papua New Guinea Bird's Head approaches: Irian Jaya studies - a programme for interdisciplinary research [Lilley, 1998 #25899]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Gorecki, Paul The Sepik River people of Papua New Guinea: culture amid catastrophes People of the stone age: hunter-gatherers and early farmers [Gorecki, 1993 #25892]
Book Section 1999 Williams, Corrie Faunal composition of Pamwak site, Manus Island, PNG Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Williams, 1999 #24000]
Book Section 1998 Newton, Douglas Les Papous et les Mélanésiens primitifs Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #24089]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Ross, Malcolm Sequencing and dating linguistic events in Oceania: the linguistics/archaeology interface Archaeology and language II: correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses [Ross, 1998 #25941]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Bellwood, Peter The archaeology of Papuan and Austronesian prehistory in the northern Moluccas, Indonesia Archaeology and language II: correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses [Bellwood, 1998 #25951]
Journal Article 2006 Specht, Jim Type X pottery, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea: petrography and possible Micronesian relationships Asian Perspectives (2006) [Specht, 2006 #30272]
Journal Article 2005 Leavesley, Matthew G. Prehistoric hunting strategies in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: the evidence of the Cuscus (Phalanger orientalis) remains from Buang Merabak Cave Asian Perspectives (2005) [Leavesley, 2005 #30556]