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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1980 Ramos, M. Espólios sepulcrais Timorenses Leba. Estudos de Pré-historia e Arquelogia Lisboa [Ramos, 1980 #28893]
Book Section 2010 Oliveira, Nuno Vasco From Bui Ceri Uato to Bui Ceri Uato Mane: a new archaeobotanical assemblage from East Timor 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: essays in honour of Ian Glover [Oliveira, 2010 #23458]
Book Section 2010 O'Connor, Sue Continuity in shell artefact production in Holocene East Timor 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: essays in honour of Ian Glover [O'Connor, 2010 #23448]
Book Section 1956 Mendes Correa, A. A. Nouvelles stations lithiques du Timor portugais et la prehistoire de l'Indonesie orientale Actas de la IV sesion, Madrid 1954: Congresos Internacionales de Ciencias Prehistoricas y Protohistoricas (4th International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences) [Mendes 1956 #23576]
Book Section 1955 Almeida, A. Preliminary notice of a Paleolithic station in the eastern Malaysian archipelago (Portuguese Timor) Abstracts of papers, Eighth Pacific Science Congress [Almeida, 1955 #23575]
Book Section 2005 Veth, Peter Changing research perspectives from Australia’s doorstep: the Joint Australian-Indonesian Aru Islands Initiative and the Archaeology of East Timor Project Archaeology from Australia [Veth, 2005 #23590]
Journal Article 2003 O’Connor, Sue Direct dating of shell beads from Lene Hara Cave, East Timor Australian Archaeology [O’Connor, 2003 #29282]
Journal Article 2002 O'Connor, S. Excavations at Lene Hara Cave establishes occupation in East Timor at least 30,000 to 35,000 years ago Antiquity [O'Connor, 2002 #29295]
Journal Article 2007 O'Connor, Sue New evidence from East Timor contributes to our understanding of earliest modern human colonisation east of the Sunda Shelf Antiquity [O'Connor, 2007 #29427]
Journal Article 1969 Hooijer, D. A. The stegodon from Timor Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen [Hooijer, 1969 #29533]
Journal Article 2007 O'Connor, Sue Inter- and intraregional variation in the Austronesian painting tradition: a view from East Timor Asian Perspectives (2007) [O'Connor, 2007 #29593]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Glover, I. Excavations in Timor: a study of economic change and cultural continuity in prehistory [Glover, 1972 #36495]
Journal Article 1986 Glover, E. A. Prehistoric utilization of tropical reef molluscs in East Timor, Indonesia Journal of Conchology [Glover, 1986 #29665]
Journal Article 1972 Glover, I. Alfred Bühler’s excavations in Timor: a re-evaluation. Art and Archaeology Research Papers [Glover, 1972 #29664]
Book Section 1971 Glover, I. Prehistoric research in Timor Aboriginal man and environment in Australia [Glover, 1971 #23793]
Book 1986 Glover, Ian C. Archaeology in Eastern Timor, 1966-67 [Glover, 1986 #20559]
Journal Article 1921 van Es, L. J. C. Inlandsche koperertsontginningen op Timor Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap [van 1921 #29754]
Book 1999 Gunn C., Geoffrey Timor Lorosae: 500 years [Gunn 1999 #20619]
Book 1987 Dunn, James Timor: a people betrayed [Dunn, 1987 #20618]
Journal Article 1944 Capell, Arthur People and languages of Timor Part I Oceania [Capell, 1944 #29911]
Journal Article 1945 Capell, Arthur People and languages of Timor Part II Oceania [Capell, 1945 #29910]
Book (Edited) 1995 Carey, P. B. R. East Timor at the crossroads: the forging of a nation [Carey, 1995 #21515]
Journal Article 1960 de Almeida, A. Contribuçao para o estudo do Neolitica de Timor Portugês Memórias da junta de investigações do ultramar [de 1960 #30005]
Book Section 1967 de Almeida, A. A contribution to the study of rock paintings in Portuguese Timor Archaeology at the 11th Pacific Science Congress: papers presented at the XI Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, August-September 1966 [de 1967 #23951]
Book Section 1967 de Almeida, A. A contribution to the study of the prehistory of Portuguese Timor Archaeology at the 11th Pacific Science Congress: papers presented at the XI Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, August-September 1966 [de 1967 #23950]
Book Section de Almeida, A. L'art pariétal au Timor Portugais IX Congrès de L'Union des Sciences Pré- et Protohistoriques [de #23949]
Book Section 2006 Oliveira, Nuno Vasco Returning to East Timor: prospects and possibilities from an archaeobotanical project in the new country Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Oliveira, 2006 #24063]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Journal Article 2005 Veth, Peter Continuity in tropical cave use: examples from East Timor and the Aru Islands, Maluku Asian Perspectives (2005) [Veth, 2005 #30558]
Journal Article 2005 Pannell, Sandra Toward a cultural topography of cave use in East Timor: a preliminary study Asian Perspectives (2005) [Pannell, 2005 #30557]