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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1992 Katzenberg, M. Anne Changing diet and health in pre- and protohistoric Ontario Health and lifestyle change MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology [Katzenberg, 1992 #24727]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Sullivan, Norman C. The Biological Consequences of the Mississippian Expansion into the Western Great Lakes Region Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Sullivan, 1990 #25220]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Powell, Mary Lucas In the Best of Health? Disease and Trauma Among the Mississippian Elite Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Powell, 1992 #25254]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Oxenham, Marc F. Palaeohealth at Man Bac Man Bac: the excavation of a neolithic site in northern Vietnam [Oxenham, 2011 #25420]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Pottier, Richard Syncrétisme et thérapie au Laos Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Pottier, 2008 #25646]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Domett, Kate Population health from the Bronze to the Iron Age in the Mun River Valley, northeastern Thailand Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Domett, 2007 #25686]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Buckley, Hallie R. ‘The predators within’: investigating the relationship between malaria and health in the prehistoric Pacific Islands Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Buckley, 2006 #25926]
Book Section in a Series 1987 Larsen, Clark Spencer Bioarchaeological interpretations of subsistence economy and behavior from human skeletal remains Advances in archaeological method and theory [Larsen, 1987 #26085]
Conference Paper 1962 Polunin, Ivan The effects of shifting agriculture on human health and disease Symposium on the Impact of Man on Humid Tropics Vegetation, Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, September, 1960 [Polunin, 1962 #26454]
Electronic Source 2016 Lauer, Adam Review of <i>Human Sexual Dimorphism and Health in Prehistoric Thailand</i> [Lauer, 2016 #26587]
Journal Article 2017 Ikehara-Quebral, Rona M. Biocultural practices during the transition to history at the Vat Komnou Cemetery, Angkor Borei, Cambodia Asian Perspectives [Ikehara-Quebral, 2017 #26927]
Journal Article 2017 King, Charlotte L. Considering the palaeoepidemiological implications of socioeconomic and environmental change in Southeast Asia Archaeological Research in Asia [King, 2017 #27006]
Journal Article 2016 Pietrusewsky, Michael Sex and geographic differences in health of the early inhabitants of the Mariana Islands Asian Perspectives [Pietrusewsky, 2016 #27586]
Journal Article 2009 Oxenham, M. F. Paralysis and severe disability requiring intensive care in neolithic Asia Anthropological Science [Oxenham, 2009 #27649]
Journal Article 2009 Oxenham, M. F. A case of lower limb paralysis in an adult male dated to 3800-3400 BP, northern Vietnam: implications for quality of life and care HOMO [Oxenham, 2009 #27677]
Journal Article 2015 Frelat, M. A. The Bronze Age necropolis of Koh Ta Meas: insights into the health of the earliest inhabitants of the Angkor region Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris [Frelat, 2015 #27682]
Journal Article 2008 Buckley, H. R. A preliminary report on health and disease in early Lapita skeletons, Vanuatu: possible biological costs of island colonization Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology [Buckley, 2008 #27725]
Journal Article 2011 Bedford, S. Lapita burials, a new Lapita cemetery and post-Lapita burials from Malakula, Northern Vanuatu, Southwest Pacific Journal of Pacific Archaeology [Bedford, 2011 #27727]
Journal Article 2015 Frelat, M. A. Corrigendum for <i>The Bronze Age necropolos of Koh Ta Meas: insights into the health of the earliest inhabitants of the Angkor region</i> Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris [Frelat, 2015 #27803]
Journal Article 2014 Halcrow, S. E. First bioarchaeological evidence of probable scurvy in Southeast Asia: multifactorial etiologies of vitamin C deficiency in a tropical environment International Journal of Paleopathology [Halcrow, 2014 #27958]
Journal Article 2009 Domett, K. M. Health in Pre-Angkorian Cambodia: a bioarchaeological analysis of the skeletal remains from Phum Snay Asian Perspectives (2009) [Domett, 2009 #29223]
Journal Article 2001 Kieser, J. A. Patterns of dental wear in the early Maori dentition International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Kieser, 2001 #29307]
Journal Article 2008 Nakbunlung, Supaporn Whispering teeth: nutrition and health of wooden coffin people in the Pang Ma Pha cave sites, northwestern Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nakbunlung, 2008 #29481]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Oral health in northen Viêt Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #30085]
Journal Article 2006 Larsen, Clark Spencer The agricultural revolution as environmental catastrophe: Implications for health and lifestyle in the Holocene Quaternary International [Larsen, 2006 #30108]
Journal Article 1966 Soewondo, H. Endemic goiter in East Java American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [Soewondo, 1966 #30289]
Journal Article 1970 McKay, D. A. Nutrition, environment and health in the Iban longhouse Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health [McKay, 1970 #30383]
Journal Article 1967 Liem Tjay Tie, Health, development, and nutritional survey of preschool children in Central Java American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [Liem 1967 #30422]
Journal Article 2003 Thompson, Beti Methodologic advances and ongoing challenges in designing community-based health promotion programs Annual Review of Public Health [Thompson, 2003 #31768]
Journal Article 2003 McLafferty, Sara L. GIS and health care Annual Review of Public Health [McLafferty, 2003 #31771]