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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1996 Swisher III, C. C. Latest <i>Homo erectus</i> of Java: potential contemporaneity with <i>Homo sapiens</i> in Southeast Asia Science [Swisher 1996 #28486]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Foley, Robert A. Measuring cognition in extinct hominids Modelling the early human mind [Foley, 1996 #25532]
Book (Edited) 1996 Mellars, Paul Modelling the early human mind McDonald Institute Monographs [Mellars, 1996 #21414]
Book Section 2015 Athreya, Sheela Modern human emergence in South Asia: a review of the fossil and genetic evidence Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [Athreya, 2015 #22612]
Journal Article 1991 Kramer, Andrew Modern human origins in Australasia: replacement or evolution? Journal of Physical Anthropology [Kramer, 1991 #29421]
Journal Article 2001 Gamble, Clive Modes, movement and moderns Quaternary International [Gamble, 2001 #31797]
Journal Article 1951 Weidenreich, Franz Morphology of solo man Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History [Weidenreich, 1951 #27895]
Journal Article 1986 Sartono, S. New lights on human evolution in Southeast Asia Geological Society of Malaysia Bulletin [Sartono, 1986 #31927]
Journal Article 1882 Wake, C. Staniland Notes on the origin of the Malagasy Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Wake, 1882 #28530]
Journal Article 1987 Luong Ninh, Oc eo va Phu Nam [ Oc Eo and Fu Nan ] Khao Co Hoc [Luong 1987 #31111]
Book 1896 Dubois, Eugène On <i>Pithecanthropus erectus</i>: a transitional form between man and the apes Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society [Dubois, 1896 #19822]
Journal Article 2002 Lieberman, Philip On the nature and evolution of the neural bases of human language American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lieberman, 2002 #31903]
Journal Article 2004 Xinzhi Wu, On the origin of modern humans in China Quaternary International [Xinzhi 2004 #31181]
Book (Edited) 2002 Sémah, François Origine des peuplements et chronologie des cultures Paléolithiques dans le sud-est asiatique [Sémah, 2002 #21445]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Bing Su, Origins and prehistoric migrations of modern humans in east Asia Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Bing 2001 #25996]
Journal Article 1993 Cooper, Z. Origins of the Andaman islanders: local myth and archaeological evidence Antiquity [Cooper, 1993 #29834]
Journal Article 2016 Reyes-Centeno, Hugo Out of Africa and into Asia: fossil and genetic evidence on modern human origins and dispersals Quaternary International [Reyes-Centeno, 2016 #27610]
Journal Article 1999 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. Paleoanthropology of South Asia Evolutionary Anthropology [Kennedy, 1999 #33700]
Journal Article 2006 Hill, Catherine Phylogeography and ethnogenesis of aboriginal Southeast Asians Molecular Biology and Evolution [Hill, 2006 #29962]
Book 1894 Dubois, Eugène Pithecanthropus erectus: Eine menschenaehnliche Uebergangsform aus Java [Dubois, 1894 #19821]
Journal Article 2010 Haidle, Miriam N. Pleistocene modernity: an exclusively Afro-European issue? An introduction to Session A1 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Haidle, 2010 #28688]
Journal Article 2000 Pearson, Osbjorn M. Postcranial remains and the origin of modern humans Evolutionary Anthropology [Pearson, 2000 #33698]
Journal Article 2016 Bae, Christopher J. Potential contributions of Korean Pleistocene hominin fossils to palaeoanthropology: a view from Ryonggok Cave Asian Perspectives (2015) [Bae, 2016 #27835]
Journal Article 1964 Khatri, A. P. Recent exploration for the remains of early man in India Asian Perspectives (1963) [Khatri, 1964 #33481]
Journal Article 2005 Thangaraj, Kumarasamy Reconstructing the origin of Andaman Islanders Science [Thangaraj, 2005 #28485]
Journal Article 1989 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "The origins of modern humans. A world survey of the fossil evidence," F. H. Smith and F. Spencer, editors Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Pietrusewsky, 1989 #33020]
Book (Edited) 2014 Dennell, Robin Southern Asia, Australia and the search for human origins [Dennell, 2014 #21344]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Mellars, Paul Symbolism, language, and the Neanderthal mind Modelling the early human mind [Mellars, 1996 #25534]
Book 1926 Childe, Vere Gordon The Aryans: A study of Indo-European origins [Childe, 1926 #20685]
Book Section 1995 Bellwood, Peter The Austronesians in history: Common origins and diverse transformations The Austronesians: historical and comparative perspectives [Bellwood, 1995 #24085]