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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2008 Bonatz, Dominik Archaeology of the Jambi Highlands (Indonesia) From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Bonatz, 2008 #23671]
Journal Article 1946 Cheng Te-k'un, The slate tomb culture of Lilan Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies [Cheng 1946 #31935]
Journal Article 2004 Miksic, John From megaliths to tombstones: the transition from prehistory to the early Islamic period in highland West Sumatra Indonesia and the Malay World [Miksic, 2004 #30485]
Journal Article 2003 Box, Paul Safeguarding the Plain of Jars: megaliths and unexploded ordnance in the Lao People's Democratic Republic Journal of GIS in Archaeology [Box, 2003 #27675]
Journal Article 2018 O'Reilly, Dougald Megalithic jar sites of Laos: a comprehensive overview and new discoveries Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [O'Reilly, 2018 #26678]
Journal Article 2022 O'Reilly, Dougald Further excavations among the megaliths: research at Plain of Jars site 2 in Laos Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [O'Reilly, 2022 #37168]
Journal Article 2020 Genovese, Lia Widening the geographical reach of the Plain of Jars, Laos Journal of Lao Studies [Genovese, 2020 #36897]
Journal Article 1993 McKinnon, E. Edwards A note on finds of early Chinese ceramics associated with megalithic remains in northwest Lampung Journal of Southeast Asian History [McKinnon, 1993 #32286]
Journal Article 1921 Evans, Ivor H. N. A grave and megaliths in Negri Sembilan with an account of some excavations Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1921 #31342]
Journal Article 1931 Evans, Ivor H. N. A further slab-built grave at Sungkai Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1931 #31368]
Journal Article 1921 Wallace, W. A. Plans of the Negri Sembilan grave and megaliths, with notes Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Wallace, 1921 #31383]
Journal Article 1928 Evans, Ivor H. N. On slab-built graves in Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1928 #34000]
Journal Article 1941 Winstedt, R. O. Slab-graves and iron implements Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Winstedt, 1941 #31376]
Journal Article 1965 Lamb, Alistair A stone casket from Satingpra: some further observations Journal of the Siam Society [Lamb, 1965 #31584]
Journal Article 1964 Quaritch-Wales, H. G. A stone casket from Satingpra Journal of the Siam Society [Quaritch-Wales, 1964 #31586]
Journal Article 1971 Kauffmann, H. E. Stone memorials of the Lawa (northwest Thailand) Journal of the Siam Society [Kauffmann, 1971 #34233]
Journal Article 1939 Hutchinson, E. W. Megaliths in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Hutchinson, 1939 #35369]
Journal Article 1939 Hutchinson, E. W. Megaliths in Bayab Journal of the Siam Society [Hutchinson, 1939 #35370]
Journal Article 1990 Rajan, K. New light on the megalithic culture of the Kongu region, Tamil Nadu Man and Environment [Rajan, 1990 #28894]
Book Section 1982 Whang, Yong-hoon The general aspect of megalithic culture of Korea Megalithic cultures in Asia [Whang, 1982 #23325]
Book Section 1982 Soejono, R. P. On the megaliths in Indonesia Megalithic cultures in Asia [Soejono, 1982 #23401]
Journal Article 1960 Schuster, Meinhard Zur Diskussion des Megalithproblems Paideuma [Schuster, 1960 #28793]
Journal Article 1944 Roder, von J. Bilder Zum Megalithentransport Paideuma [Roder, 1944 #28821]
Journal Article 2021 Shewan, Louise Dating the megalithic culture of Laos: radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence and U/Pb zircon results PlosOne [Shewan, 2021 #36967]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Mohanty, R. K. The archaeology of megaliths in India Prehistory: archaeology of South Asia [Mohanty, 2002 #25612]
Book Section in a Series 1932 Colani, Madeleine Champs de jarres monolithiques et de pierres funéraires du Tran-ninh (Haut-Laos) Premier congrès des préhistoriens d'Extrême-Orient, Hanoi (1932) [Colani, 1932 #26006]
Journal Article 1942 de Terra, H. The megaliths of Bursahom, Kashmir, a new prehistoric civilization from India Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society [de 1942 #29801]
Book 1935 Colani, M. Megaliths du haut-Laos (Hua Pan, Tran Ninh) Publications de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1935 #19792]
Journal Article 2016 Jones, S. E. The cultural antiquity of rainforests: human-plant associations during the mid-late Holocene in the interior highlands of Sarak, Malaysian Borneo Quaternary International [Jones, 2016 #27615]
Book Section 2024 Bonatz, Dominik Across the highlands: Ethnicity, archaeology and monuments in the lands of the Rejang, Minangkabau and Batak Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Bonatz, 2024 #37336]