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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2000 Liu, Yi-ch'ang Prehistory and Austronesians in Taiwan: an archaeological perspective Austronesian Taiwan: linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Liu, 2000 #24099]
Book Section 2000 Blundell, David A century of research, 1897-1997, Austronesian Taiwan Austronesian Taiwan: linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Blundell, 2000 #24102]
Journal Article 1905 Berthelot, Philippe Notes sur les résultats scientifiques d'une mission diplomatique en Chine Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Berthelot, 1905 #27444]
Journal Article 1974 Chingchang, Biq Metallogeny in Taiwan: a plate-tectonic approach Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Taiwan [Chingchang, 1974 #28537]
Journal Article 1991 Chao-mei Lien, The neolithic archaeology of Taiwan and the Peinan excavations Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chao-mei 1991 #29125]
Journal Article 2006 Blundell, David The Amis, and prehistory, in cultural heritage development in Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Blundell, 2006 #30039]
Journal Article 2006 Wu, Eleanor B. Morris Cultural resource management of Taipei's indigenous folk temples Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Wu, 2006 #30040]
Journal Article 2006 Hung Ling-Yu, New light on Taiwan highland prehistory Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hung 2006 #30041]
Journal Article 2004 Hung, Hsiao-Chun A sourcing study of Taiwan stone adzes Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hung, 2004 #30548]
Journal Article 2003 Bellwood, Peter Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental research in Batanes and Ilocos Norte Provinces, northern Philippines Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bellwood, 2003 #31202]
Journal Article 1997 Blundell, David Archaeology, cultural resource management, and the Pacific: a look at the east coast of Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Blundell, 1997 #31746]
Journal Article 2002 Chao-mei Lien, The jade industry of Neolithic Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chao-mei 2002 #32668]
Journal Article 2000 Li Kuang-ti, Change and stability in the dietary system of prehistoric O-Luan-Pi inhabitants in southern Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Li 2000 #35174]
Journal Article 2000 Tsang Cheng-wa, Recent advances in the Iron Age archaeology of Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Tsang 2000 #35192]
Journal Article 2000 Chao Chin-yung, Changkuang: a neolithic burial site on the eastern coast of Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chao 2000 #35193]
Journal Article 1991 Spriggs, Matthew Considering Meacham's considerations on Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Spriggs, 1991 #35571]
Journal Article 1991 Meacham, William Further considerations of the hypothesized Austronesian Neolithic migration from South China to Taiwan and Luzon Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Meacham, 1991 #35579]
Journal Article 1984 Turner, Christy G., II Diachronic differences in Taiwan dental morphology Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Turner, 1984 #35749]
Journal Article 1966 Ferrell, R. The Formosan tribes: a preliminary linguistic, archaeological, and cultural synthesis Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology [Ferrell, 1966 #29744]
Journal Article 1949 Chang, Chuan-sheng Anthropologische untersuchungen über die schädel von Atayal in Formosa Bulletins of the Anatomy Department of the National Taiwan University [Chang, 1949 #35377]
Journal Article 2005 Bellwood, Peter Human migrations in continental East Asia and Taiwan: genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence Current Anthropology [Bellwood, 2005 #30191]
Journal Article 1967 Chang, Kwang-chih The Yale expedition to Taiwan and the Southeast Asian horticultural evolution Discovery [Chang, 1967 #29899]
Journal Article 1967 Chang, Kwang-chih The Yale expedition to Taiwan and the Southeast Asian horticultural revolution Discovery [Chang, 1967 #33816]
Journal Article 2006 Liew, P. M. Holocene thermal optimal and climate variability of East Asian monsoon inferred from forest reconstruction of a subalpine pollen sequence, Taiwan Earth and Planetary Science Letters [Liew, 2006 #28588]
Journal Article July 2022 Deng, Zhenhua Early Austronesians cultivated rice and millet together: tracing Taiwan’s first Neolithic crops Frontiers in Plant Science [Deng, July 2022 #37059]
Journal Article 2007 Ku, Huei-Wei Paleo-environmental evolution as revealed by analysis of organic carbon and nitrogen: a case of coastal Taipei Basin in northern Taiwan Geochemical Journal [Ku, 2007 #26973]
Conference Proceeding 1978 Lee, C. S. A brief introduction to Taiwan Paleogene larger foraminifers and their distribution with emphasis upon the new occurrence of <i>Assilina formosensis</i> Hanzawa Geographical Journal [Lee, 1978 #26538]
Journal Article 2016 Brandão, Andreia Quantifying the legacy of the Chinese neolithic on the maternal genetic heritage of Taiwan and island Southeast Asia Human Genetics [Brandão, 2016 #27640]
Journal Article 1930 Kano, T. About goat worship of the Yami of Botel Tobago (Kotosho Yami on shuai ni tsuite) Jinruigaku zashi [Kano, 1930 #29458]
Journal Article 2021 Wang, Kuan-Wen Glass beads from Guishan in Iron Age Taiwan: Inter-regional bead exchange between Taiwan, Southeast Asia and beyond Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Wang, 2021 #37095]