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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1973 Glover, Ian C. Late Stone Age traditions in South-East Asia South Asian Archaeology 1971. Papers from the First International Conference of South Asian Archaeologists Held in the University of Cambridge [Glover, 1973 #25045]
Journal Article 1974 Marschall, Wolfgang On the Stone Age in Indonesia Tribus [Marschall, 1974 #34009]
Journal Article 1974 Marschall, Wolfgang On the Stone Age of Indonesia Tribus [Marschall, 1974 #35667]
Journal Article 1976 Anzai, Masahito Stone artifacts collected at prehistoric cave sites in Laos Journal of the Archaeological Society of Nippon (考古學雑誌) [Anzai, 1976 #35316]
Journal Article 1976 Glover, Ian C. Ulu Leang Cave, Maros: a preliminary sequence of post-Pleistocene cultural development in South Sulawesi Archipelago [Glover, 1976 #35914]
Book Section 1977 White, J. Peter Crude, colourless and unenterprising? Prehistorians and their views on the stone age of Sunda and Sahul Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [White, 1977 #25130]
Journal Article 1977 Mourer, Roland Laang Spean and the prehistory of Cambodia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Mourer, 1977 #35997]
Journal Article 1978 Pham Huy Thong, Our stone age: from the Mount Do industry to the Hoa Binh industry Vietnamese Studies [Pham 1978 #35505]
Journal Article 1979 Intakosi, Vidya A bi-facial stone industry from Bo Ploi, Thailand Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Intakosi, 1979 #35978]
Book Section 1980 Duff, Roger Stone adzes of South East Asia The Diffusion of Material Culture: 28th International Congress of Orientalists, proceedings of Seminar E, Canberra, January 1971 [Duff, 1980 #25176]
Thesis 1981 Pookajorn, Surin The Hoabinhian of mainland Southeast Asia: new data from the recent excavations in the Ban Kao area Department of Anthropology [Pookajorn, 1981 #36425]
Journal Article 1983 Rajendran, P. The coastal Mesolithic industries of south India and their chronology Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Rajendran, 1983 #35762]
Journal Article 1983 Cooper, Zarine M. Adaptation patterns during the late stone age in Bastar District, Madhya Pradesh Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Cooper, 1983 #35764]
Journal Article 1984 Sinha, P. Changes in stone tool use in Southeast Asia 10,000 years ago: a microwear analysis of flakes with use gloss from Leang Burung 2 and Ulu Leang 1 Caves, Sulawesi, Indonesia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Sinha, 1984 #35501]
Book Section in a Series 1987 Anderson, Douglas D. A late Pleistocene-early Holocene archaeological site in southwestern Thailand Proceedings of the International Conference on Thai Studies [Anderson, 1987 #26157]
Journal Article 1987 Vijaya Prakash, P. The Mesolithic industries of the Gambheeram Valley, eastern coastal India Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Vijaya 1987 #35736]
Journal Article 1987 Anderson, Douglas D. A Pleistocene-early Holocene rock shelter in peninsular Thailand National Geographic Research [Anderson, 1987 #35835]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1988 Charoenwongsa, Pisit Prehistoric studies: the stone and metal ages in Thailand [Charoenwongsa, 1988 #22123]
Book Section in a Series 1988 Prishanchit, Sayan A preliminary survey of lithic industries in Mae Hong Son, Nan and Uttaradit, northern Thailand Prehistoric studies: the stone and metal ages in Thailand [Prishanchit, 1988 #26366]
Book Section in a Series 1988 Anderson, Douglas D. Excavations of a Pleistocene rockshelter in Krabi and the prehistory of southern Thailand Prehistoric studies: the stone and metal ages in Thailand [Anderson, 1988 #26379]
Book Section in a Series 1988 Bronson, Bennet Introduction: prehistoric chronology in Thailand Prehistoric studies: the stone and metal ages in Thailand [Bronson, 1988 #26383]
Manuscript 1988 Enzheng, Tong The problem of the Mesolithic in southern China and Southeast Asia [Enzheng, 1988 #36098]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Kajale, M. D. Mesolithic exploitation of wild plants in Sri Lanka: archaeobotanical study at the cave site of Beli-Lena Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [Kajale, 1989 #26289]
Journal Article 1989 Reynolds, Timothy E. G. Techno-typology in Thailand: a case study of Tham Khao Khi Chan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Reynolds, 1989 #35721]
BAR Section 1990 Santoni, Marielle Excavations at Obluang, Province of Chiang Mai, Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Santoni, 1990 #19709]
Book in a Series 1990 Anderson, Douglas D. Lang Rongrien rockshelter: a Pleistocene-early Holocene archaeological site from Krabi, southwestern Thailand [Anderson, 1990 #21964]
Journal Article 1990 Reynolds, Timothy E. G. Problems in the stone age of Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Reynolds, 1990 #35446]
Journal Article 1991 Golson, Jack The New Guinea highlands on the eve of agriculture Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Golson, 1991 #35584]
Journal Article 1991 Allen, Harry A review of the Late Pleistocene/Early recent stone tool assemblages of Java Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 1991 #35591]
Journal Article 1991 Bui Vinh The Da But culture in the stone age of Viêt Nam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bui 1991 #35633]