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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2001 Chu, Guoqiang The paleo-typhoon activites recorded in lacustrine sediment of Huguangyan Maar lake, southern China Monsoon and civilization: the 2nd international workshop of the ALDP (Asian Lake Drilling Programme) [Chu, 2001 #24567]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Chuan Kun Ho, Zhoukoudian Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Chuan 2001 #25907]
Journal Article 2002 Chung-yu Chen, Jonas Sea nomads in prehistory on the southeast coast of China Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chung-yu 2002 #32670]
Journal Article 2007 Ciarla, Roberto Rethinking Yuanlongpo: the case for technological links between the Lingnan (PRC) and central Thailand in the Bronze Age East and West [Ciarla, 2007 #29494]
Book Section 2022 Ciarla, Roberto The origins of the Bronze Age in Mainland Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Ciarla, 2022 #37030]
Journal Article 2016 Cohen, David J. The emergence of pottery in China: recent dating of two early pottery cave sites in South China Quaternary International [Cohen, 2016 #26996]
Journal Article 1940 Colbert, Edwin H. Pleistocene mammals from the Ma Kai Valley of northern Yunnan, China American Museum Novitates [Colbert, 1940 #35190]
Journal Article 2021 Dai, Jinqi Earliest arrival of millet in the South China coast dating back to 5,500 years ago Journal of Archaeological Science [Dai, 2021 #37128]
Journal Article 1974 Davis, S. G. Rock carvings in Hong Kong and new territories Asian Perspectives (1974) [Davis, 1974 #33214]
Journal Article 2017 Dawei Li, The stable isotope record in cervid tooth enamel from Tantang Cave, Guangxi: implications for the Quaternary East Asian monsoon Quaternary International [Dawei 2017 #27352]
Journal Article 2019 Deng, Zhenhua Food and ritual resources in hunter-gatherer societies: canarium nuts in southern China and beyond Antiquity [Deng, 2019 #19012]
Journal Article 2022 Deng, Zhenhua First farmers in the South China coast: new evidence from the Gancaoling site of Guangdong Province Frontiers in Earth Science [Deng, 2022 #37084]
Book (Edited) 1967 Drake, F. S. Symposium on historical, archaeological and linguistic studies on southern China, south-east Asia and the Hong Kong region: Papers presented at meetings held in September 1961 as part of the Golden Jubilee Congress of the University of Hong Kong [Drake, 1967 #21574]
Book Section 1956 Drake, F. S. The relation between the painted pottery and black pottery sites of north China, and the prehistoric and protohistoric sites of southeast China Proceedings of the Fourth Far-Eastern Prehistory and the Anthropology Division of the Eighth Pacific Science Congresses Combined [Drake, 1956 #24410]
Book 1969 Eberhard, W. The local cultures of South and East China [Eberhard, 1969 #20615]
Journal Article 2022 Feng, Yue The environmental and cultural contexts of early pottery in south China
from the perspective of behavioral diversity in the Terminal Pleistocene
Quaternary International [Feng, 2022 #36989]
Journal Article 2002 Fu Xianguo, The Dingsishan site and the prehistory of Guangxi, south China Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Fu 2002 #32667]
Journal Article 2019 Gao, Yang Holocene climate dynamics derived from pollen record of Jiulongchi wetland in Fanjing Mountain, southwest China Quaternary International [Gao, 2019 #26687]
Journal Article 2019 Ge, Wei Investigating the late neolithic millet agriculture in Southeast China: new multidisciplinary evidences Quaternary International [Ge, 2019 #26686]
Book Section 2000 Gotanda, Katsuya Vegetation changes in the eastern part of Tibetan Plateau Monsoon: environmental change in Eurasia. The 1st ALDP/ELDP joint meeting [Gotanda, 2000 #24565]
Book Section 1967 Green, Roger C. Chinese-Pacific relations (in the Neolithic) China and its place in the world [Green, 1967 #25089]
Journal Article 2012 Hanihara, T. Population history of the northern Vietnamese inferred from nonmetric cranial trait variation Anthropological Science [Hanihara, 2012 #27818]
Book Section 2006 Higham, Charles Crossing national boundaries: Southern China and Southeast Asia in prehistory Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Higham, 2006 #24070]
Journal Article 1998 Higham, Charles F. W. The origins and dispersal of rice cultivation Antiquity [Higham, 1998 #35491]
Book 2008 Hung H.-C. Migration and cultural interaction in southern coastal China and the northern Philippines, 3000 BC to AD 100: the early history of the Austronesian speaking populations [Hung 2008 #19787]
Journal Article 2019 Hung, Hsiao-chun Prosperity and complexity without farming: the South China Coast, c. 5000–3000 BC Antiquity [Hung, 2019 #18971]
Journal Article 2019 Hung, Hsiao-chun Prosperity and complexity without farming: the South China Coast, c. 5000–3000 BC Antiquity [Hung, 2019 #26663]
Book Section 2017 Hung, Hsiao-chun Neolithic Transition in Guangxi: a long development of hunting-gathering society in southern China Bio-anthropological studies of early Holocene hunter-gatherer sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China [Hung, 2017 #37144]
Journal Article 1975 Kelly, W. Archaeological investigation of Coloane, Macau Asian Perspectives (1974) [Kelly, 1975 #33184]
Journal Article 1994 Khau Lap Thanh, Khao sat Van hoa do da hang dong Quang Dong Trung Quoc [ Investigation of stone cave culture in Guangdong, China] Khao Co Hoc [Khau 1994 #30893]