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Ref ID: 30893
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Khau Lap Thanh,
Title: Khao sat Van hoa do da hang dong Quang Dong Trung Quoc [ Investigation of stone cave culture in Guangdong, China]
Date: 1994
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: From the research of some archaeological cave sites in Guangdong and the comparison of these sites and those in Guangdxi and the Hoa Binh culture, the author presents some assessments. Pebble cultures in caves in Guangdong area belonged to one system of development. These sites had relationship of successive development. In general, their date is about 10 thousand years BP. Cave sites in Guangdong had similarities and differences to the same sort of sites in Guangxi, expressing mutual relation and influence between the 2 regions in prehistory. The Hoa Binh culture had close relation to pebble culture in Guangdong. The appearance of the type of Sumatralith tools at some cave site in Guangdong reflects the interrelation between these 2 cultures.
Date Created: 5/28/2004
Number: 91
Page Start: 50
Page End: 59