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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2000 Feranec, Robert S. Evolution of the grazing niche in Pleistocene mammals from Florida: evidence from stable isotopes Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Feranec, 2000 #34375]
Book 1986 Forman, Richard T. T. Landscape Ecology [Forman, 1986 #21234]
Book 1976 Goody, J. Production and reproduction [Goody, 1976 #21134]
Book Section in a Series 1980 Hardesty, Donald L. The use of general ecological principles in archaeology Advances in archaeological method and theory [Hardesty, 1980 #26100]
Journal Article 2000 Harrison, Terry Archaeological and ecological implications of the primate fauna from prehistoric sites in Borneo Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Harrison, 2000 #35184]
Journal Article 1988 Headland, Thomas N. Ecosystemic change in a Philippine tropical rainforest and its effect on a Negrito foraging society Tropical Ecology [Headland, 1988 #34674]
Journal Article 2003 Hedges, R. E. M. On bone collagen - apatite-carbonate isotopic relationships International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Hedges, 2003 #32517]
Journal Article 2008 Helama, Samuli X-ray microdensitometry applied to subfossil tree-rings: growth characteristics of ancient pines from the southern boreal forest zone in Finland at intra-annual to centennial time-scales Vegetation History and Archaeobotany [Helama, 2008 #28964]
Book 1967 Holdridge, L. R. Life zone ecology [Holdridge, 1967 #21125]
Book Section in a Series 2005 Hope, Geoffrey The Quaternary in Southeast Asia The physical geography of Southeast Asia [Hope, 2005 #25743]
Journal Article 1976 Hoyme, L. E. S. Ecology of dental disease American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hoyme, 1976 #34660]
Journal Article 2014 Hunt, C.O. Holocene landscape intervention and plant food production strategies in island and mainland Southeast Asia Journal of Archaeological Science [Hunt, 2014 #28081]
Journal Article 2001 Hutley, L. B. Monsoonal influences on evapotranspiration of savanna vegetation of northern Australia Oecologia [Hutley, 2001 #34365]
Book (Edited) 1985 Hutterer, Karl L. Cultural values and human ecology in Southeast Asia [Hutterer, 1985 #21606]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Jacob, J. M. The ecology of Angkor: evidence from the Khmer inscriptions Nature and man in South East Asia [Jacob, 1978 #26315]
Book Section 1975 Jacob, Teuku Morphology and paleoecology of early man in Java Paleoanthropology: morphology and paleoecology [Jacob, 1975 #24777]
Book Section in a Series 1979 Jochim, Michael A. Breaking down the system: recent ecological approaches in archaeology Advances in archaeological method and theory [Jochim, 1979 #25599]
Journal Article 2010 Jun, Chang Pyo Palynological implication of Holocene vegetation and environment in Pyeongtaek wetland, Korea Quaternary International [Jun, 2010 #29004]
Book Section 1984 Kaida, Y. Climate and agricultural land use in Thailand Climate and agricultural land use in monsoon Asia [Kaida, 1984 #24616]
Book Section 1978 Keen, F. G. B. Ecological relationships in a Hmong (Meo) economy Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Keen, 1978 #24955]
Journal Article 2000 Kelly, Jeffrey F. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the study of avian and mammalian trophic ecology Canadian Journal of Zoology [Kelly, 2000 #34357]
Book 1983 Kira Tatsuo Nettairin no seitai [Kira 1983 #20259]
Journal Article 1996 Kirch, P. V. Late Holocene human-induced modifications to a central Polynesian island ecosystem PNAS [Kirch, 1996 #34635]
Thesis-PhD 1975 Kirch, Patrick V. Cultural adaptation and ecology in western Polynesia: an ethnoarchaeological study [Kirch, 1975 #36621]
Book 1998 Kormondy, Edward J. Fundamental of human ecology [Kormondy, 1998 #21122]
Conference Paper 2007 Krigbaum, J. New perspectives on diet, ecology, and residence during the transition to history in the Mekong Delta Symposium on subsistence, settlement, and society: formative East and Southeast Asia in comparative perspective [Krigbaum, 2007 #26402]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Laungaramsri, Pingkaew The ambiguity of "watershed": the politics of people and conservation in northern Thailand. A case study of the Chom Thong conflict Indigenous peoples and protected areas in South and Southeast Asia: from principles to practice [Laungaramsri, 1998 #25556]
Journal Article 1997 Leibold, Matthew A. Species turnover and the regulation of trophic structure Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [Leibold, 1997 #30102]
Journal Article 2010 Li, Yiyin Palaeoecological records of environmental change and cultural development from the Liangzhu and Qujialing archaeological sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Quaternary International [Li, 2010 #29009]
Journal Article 1964 Lin, C. C. Geology and ecology of Taiwan prehistory Asian Perspectives (1963) [Lin, 1964 #33495]