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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1997 Faerman, M. Prevalence of human tuberculosis in a medieval population of Lithuanian studied by ancient DNA analysis Ancient Biomolecules [Faerman, 1997 #32409]
Journal Article 1996 Fox, C. L. Analysis of ancient mitochondrial DNA from extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia Ancient Biomolecules [Fox, 1996 #32389]
Journal Article 2002 Geigl, E. M. On the circumstances surrounding the preservation and analysis of very old DNA Archaeometry [Geigl, 2002 #31862]
Journal Article 1998 Gerstenberger, J. Assignment of an isolated skeletal element to the skeleton of Duke Christian II through STR typing Ancient Biomolecules [Gerstenberger, 1998 #32414]
Journal Article 2002 Gerstenberger, Julia Reconstruction of residence patterns through genetic typing of skeletal remains of an early medieval population Ancient Biomolecules [Gerstenberger, 2002 #32457]
Journal Article 2017 Gómez-Zeledón, Javier TaqMan qPCR pushes boundaries for the analysis of millennial wood Journal of Archaeological Science [Gómez-Zeledón, 2017 #26834]
Journal Article 2018 Gosling, Anne L. The evolutionary history and human settlement of Australia and the Pacific Current Opinion in Genetics & Development [Gosling, 2018 #26622]
Journal Article 2002 Götherström, A. Bone preservation and DNA amplification Archaeometry [Götherström, 2002 #31861]
Journal Article 2001 Graver, Alison M. Mitochondrial DNA research in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: a preliminary report Ancient Biomolecules [Graver, 2001 #32454]
Journal Article 2001 Greenwood, Alex D. Mammoth biology: biomolecules, phylogeny, numts, nuclear DNA, and the biology of an extinct species Ancient Biomolecules [Greenwood, 2001 #32453]
Book Section 2010 Halcrow, S. E. An application of ancient DNA methods for understanding health and social changes with agricultural intensification in prehistoric Southeast Asia Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Ancient DNA & Associated Biomolecules, Lódz, Poland, 16-19 October 2006 and the 9th International Conference on Ancient DNA & Associated Biomolecules, Pompeii, Italy, 19-22 October 2008 [Halcrow, 2010 #22713]
Journal Article 1993 Harpending, Henry C. The genetic structure of ancient human populations Current Anthropology [Harpending, 1993 #28501]
Journal Article 2018 Hashom Mohd Hakim A new analysis of population history in Sabah and Sarawak Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review [Hashom 2018 #26658]
Journal Article 2002 Haynes, Susan Bone preservation and ancient DNA: the application of screening methods for predicting DNA survival Journal of Archaeological Science [Haynes, 2002 #31833]
Journal Article 1991 Hertzberg, Mark Polynesian origins and migration: the story according to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hertzberg, 1991 #29132]
Journal Article 2000 Hummel, Susanne From skeletons to fingerprints - STR typing of ancient DNA Ancient Biomolecules [Hummel, 2000 #32444]
Journal Article 2002 Kaestle, Frederika A. Ancient DNA in anthropology: methods, applications, and ethics American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Kaestle, 2002 #31904]
Journal Article 2000 Kayser, Manfred Melanesian origin of Polynesian Y chromosomes Current Biology [Kayser, 2000 #32526]
Journal Article 1999 Ken-ichi, Shinoda Intracemetery genetic analysis at the Nakazuma Jomon site in Japan by mitochondrial DNA sequencing Anthropological Science [Ken-ichi, 1999 #31970]
Journal Article 2002 Kiesslich, Jan On the use of nitrocellulose membranes for dialysis-mediated purification of ancient DNA from human bone and teeth extracts Ancient Biomolecules [Kiesslich, 2002 #32461]
Journal Article 2010 Krause, J. The complete mitochondrial DNA genome of an unknown hominin from southern Siberia Nature [Krause, 2010 #27797]
Journal Article 2004 Lansing, J. S. An Indian trader in ancient Bali? Antiquity [Lansing, 2004 #26793]
Journal Article 2021 Larena, Maximilian Philippine Ayta possess the highest level of Denisovan ancestry in the world Current Biology [Larena, 2021 #37112]
Journal Article 2007 Larson, Greger Phylogeny and ancient DNA of <i>Sus</i> provides insights into neolithic expansion in island Southeast Asia and Oceania PNAS [Larson, 2007 #29278]
Journal Article 2010 Larson, Gregor Patterns of East Asian pig domestication, migration, and turnover revealed by modern and ancient DNA PNAS [Larson, 2010 #28636]
Journal Article 1996 Lassen, C. PCR based sex identification of ancient human bones by amplification of X- and Y-chromosomal sequences: a comparison Ancient Biomolecules [Lassen, 1996 #32391]
Journal Article 2018 Lipson, Mark Population turnover in Remote Oceania shortly after initial settlement Current Biology [Lipson, 2018 #26621]
Journal Article 2018 Lipson, Mark Ancient genomes document multiple waves of migration in Southeast Asian prehistory Science [Lipson, 2018 #26718]
Journal Article 1998 Lister, Adrian M. Ancient and modern DNA in a study of a horse domestication Ancient Biomolecules [Lister, 1998 #32419]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Louys, Julien Neolithic dispersal implications of murids from late Holocene archaeological and modern natural deposits in the Talaud Islands, northern Sulawesi The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Louys, 2018 #25317]