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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis 2011 Barney, Keith Grounding global forest economies: resource governance and commodity power in rural Laos Geography [Barney, 2011 #36349]
Journal Article 1903 Barth, M. A. Inscription sanscrite du Phou Lokhon (Laos) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Barth, 1903 #27508]
Journal Article 1902 Barth, M. A. Stèle de Vat Phou près de Bassac (Laos) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Barth, 1902 #27542]
Journal Article 1995 Battail, B. New data on the continental Upper Permian in the area of Luang-Prabang, Laos Journal of Geology [Battail, 1995 #28446]
Journal Article 1925 Batteur, Ch. Sculptures rupestres au Laos Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Batteur, 1925 #27169]
Journal Article 2015 Benson, Frederic C. Indochina war refugee movements in Laos, 1954-1975: a chronological overview citing new primary sources Journal of Lao Studies [Benson, 2015 #27939]
Book Section 2012 Berliner, David The politics of loss and nostalgia in Luang Prabang (Lao PDR) Routledge handbook of heritage in Asia [Berliner, 2012 #22937]
Journal Article 2014 Bolotov, Ivan Ecology and conservation of the endangered Indochinese freshwater pearl mussel, <i>Margaritifera Laosensis</i> (Lea, 1863) in the Nam Pe and Nam Long rivers, Northern Laos Tropical Conservation Science [Bolotov, 2014 #26616]
Journal Article 1908 Bonhoure Rapport de M. Bonhoure, gouverneur général par intérim, à M. le Ministre des colonies sur la conservation des monuments historiques de l'Indochine Bulletin de la Commission Archéologique de l'Indochine [Bonhoure 1908 #34062]
Journal Article 1924 Bonifacy, Auguste L'anthropologie préhistorique en Indochine L'Eveil économique de l'Indochine [Bonifacy, 1924 #34061]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Boualaphane, Souliphane Summary of Lao archaeological work from 2016-2018 Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Boualaphane, 2020 #36926]
Journal Article 1996 Bouasisengpaseuth, Bounheuang Archaeological finds of ceramics in Lao P.D.R. SPAFA Journal [Bouasisengpaseuth, 1996 #28977]
Book (Edited) 2009 Bourdier, Frédéric Development and dominion: indigenous peoples of Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos [Bourdier, 2009 #21427]
Book 2005 Bouté, Vanina En miroir du pouvoir. Les Phounoy du nord Laos: ethnogenèse et dynamiques d'intégration [Bouté, 2005 #20085]
Book in a Series 2011 Bouté, Vanina En miroir du pouvoir : les Phounoy du Nord-Laos, ethnogenèse et dynamiques d'intégration [Bouté, 2011 #21679]
Journal Article 1999 Bowdery, Doreen Phytoliths from tropical sediments: reports from Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bowdery, 1999 #35480]
Journal Article 2003 Box, Paul Safeguarding the Plain of Jars: megaliths and unexploded ordnance in the Lao People's Democratic Republic Journal of GIS in Archaeology [Box, 2003 #27675]
Book Section 2002 Breazeale, Kennon Laos mapped by treaty and decree, 1895-1907 Breaking new ground in Lao history: essays on the seventh to twentieth centuries [Breazeale, 2002 #24317]
Book Section 2002 Breazeale, Kennon The Lao-Tay-son Alliance, 1792 and 1793 Breaking new ground in Lao history: essays on the seventh to twentieth centuries [Breazeale, 2002 #24319]
Journal Article 1904 Brengues, Dr. Les cérémonies funéraires à Ubon Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Brengues, 1904 #27460]
Book 2009 Brocheux, Pierre Indochina: an ambiguous colonization, 1858-1954 [Brocheux, 2009 #20055]
Book 1995 Brocheux, Pierre The Mekong Delta: ecology, economy, and revolution, 1960-1960 [Brocheux, 1995 #20728]
Book 1948 Brodrick, Alan Houghton Little vehicle: Cambodia & Laos [Brodrick, 1948 #21075]
Journal Article 2007 Buckley, Brendan M. Analyses of growth rings of Pinus merkusii from Lao PDR Forest Ecology and Management [Buckley, 2007 #28960]
Journal Article 2000 Bulbeck, F. David Human remains from Tam Nang An, Laos Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bulbeck, 2000 #35348]
Journal Article 2019 Cadet, Mélissa Laos' central role in Southeast Asian copper exchange networks: A multi-method study of bronzes from the Vilabouly Complex Journal of Archaeological Science [Cadet, 2019 #19608]
Journal Article 2022 Cadet, Mélissa Technological reconstruction of the late prehistoric primary copper production of the Vilabouly Complex (central Laos) Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Cadet, 2022 #36998]
Journal Article 2022 Cadet, Mélissa Technological reconstruction of the late prehistoric primary copper production of the Vilabouly Complex (central Laos) Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Cadet, 2022 #37065]
Journal Article 2021 Cadet, Mélissa Late prehistoric copper smelting in the Lao PDR: Experimental reconstruction based on the Vilabouly Complex evidence Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Cadet, 2021 #37136]
Report 2009 Cawte, H. J. Archaeometallurgical investigations at Baolo and Dragon Field, Savannakhet Province, Laos: stage 1 recommendations and results provided to Lang Xiang Mineral Ltd. [Cawte, 2009 #36157]