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Ref ID: 37330
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Gruwier, Ben
de Vos, John
Wirkner, Mathias
Hertler, Christine
Kovarovic, Kris
Title: Diversity, population structure and palaeoecology of the Pleistocene large cervids from the Padang Highlands, Sumatra
Date: 2024
Source: Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra
Abstract: This chapter deals with the dentognathic remains of the Late Pleistocene large cervids from the
Padang Highlands caves in Sumatra. We used linear and geometric morphometric techniques to
investigate variation, taxonomic position and body size trends in a dataset of upper and lower molars.
Dental mesowear was used to assess dietary preference in a subsample. The results suggest the Padang Highlands cervids belonged to multiple populations of an early stock of Rusa deer the size of sambar (Rusa unicolor), but morphologically reminiscent of Javan rusa (Rusa timorensis). The Rusa sp. of Sumatra was reconstructed as a mixed feeder with an increase in the grazing component with age.
Editors: Louys, Julien
Albers, Paul C. H.
Van der Geer, Alexandra A. E.
Page Start: 122
Page End: 143