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Ref ID: 36997
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Li, Peining
Title: Targeted production and altered functions: Chinese ceramics exported to Southeast Asia during the Five Dynasties and Northern Song period (AD 907–1127)
Date: 2022
Source: Asian Archaeology
DOI: 10.1007/s41826-022-00054-0
Abstract: This paper aims to explore whether there were any Chinese ceramic vessel forms and decorations during the Five Dynasties and Northern Song period specially produced for the Southeast Asian markets and whether the functions of some exported Chinese ceramics became altered in local societies. Through comparative study between shipwreck cargo and finds within China, it is argued that at the Yue kiln complex, particularly at the Bijiashan and Xicun kiln sites, some vessels were produced to cater to the aesthetic standards and needs of the Southeast Asian markets. For wares that were commonly seen in China, how they were used after export might also differ significantly from their original functions, which is illustrated by interpretation of relevant scenes in bas-reliefs at Southeast Asian temples and the function of similar local earthenware and ascertained through some reference to ethnographic and historical records.
Date Available: 6/22/2022
