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Ref ID: 34829
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Longacre, William A.
Stark, Miriam T.
Title: Ceramics, kinship and space: a Kalinga example
Date: 1992
Source: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Abstract: Kalinga household pottery inventory data are used to evaluate relationships between social and spatial relations. Two objectives guide the research discussed in this paper: (1) to examine assemblage variability in pottery-producing and pottery-consuming villages
and (2) to explore differences in ceramic patterning between households in two pottery-consuming villages. These disparities reflect separate sets of social relations that each pottery-consuming village has with the two pottery-producing villages. We discuss archaeological implications of our distributional analysis in our concluding comments.
Date Created: 7/4/2001
Volume: 11
Page Start: 125
Page End: 136