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Ref ID: 34816
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Washburn, Dorothy K.
Petitto, Andrea
Title: An ethnoarchaeological perspective on textile categories of identification and function
Date: 1993
Source: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
DOI: 10.1006/jaar.1993.1005
Abstract: This paper examines from an ethnoarchaeological perspective how an object class, skirts, is differently categorized for the purposes of identification and function by two subgroups of southern Lao women. We discuss the use of several different testing procedures to discover and confirm the different kinds of attributes which weavers and nonweavers use to categorize their skirts. We found that study of category attributes facilitates insight into some aspects of southern lowland Lao values and concepts of ethnicity as well as provides guidelines for criteria to use in textile category formation of archaeological materials.
Date Created: 7/4/2001
Volume: 12
Number: 2
Page Start: 150
Page End: 172