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Ref ID: 34807
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Ambrose, Stanley H.
DeNiro, Michael J.
Title: The isotopic ecology of east African animals
Date: 1986
Source: Oecologia
DOI: 10.1007/BF00377062
Abstract: The stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen have been used to trace diet and habitat selection of the larger mammals of East Africa. 238 individuals of 43 species from montane forests and grasslands in Kenya and Tanzania have been analyzed. The results show that carbon isotopes discriminate between (1) grazers and browsers in savanna grasslands, (2) forest floor and savanna grassland herbivores and (3) forest floor and forest canopy species. Nitrogen isotopes discriminate between (4) carnivores and herbivores, (5) forest and savanna grassland herbivores, and (6) water-dependent and drought-tolerant herbivores. This technique provides a quantitative approach to assessing long-term habitat and diet selection and the role of resource partitioning in animal community structure.
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Volume: 69
Number: 3
Page Start: 396
Page End: 406