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Ref ID: 34534
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Sarntisart, Isra
Title: Poverty, income inequality, and health care consumption in Thailand
Date: 1994
Source: Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Abstract: The Thai economy has grown rapidly during the past three decades of modern industrialization. The structure of the economy has been changing from an agricultural to manufacturing based. Because industrial development policies has been biased toward Bangk and surrounding provinces, regional income disparities have been widening. Despite the high growth record, Thailand has failed to distribute the benefits of economic growth equitably. This problem of income distribution could have many important consequences of relevance to the health of population. Major contributing factors of poverty have been in the agricultural sector and rural areas, quality of land, and the output and prices of crops. Employment, related factors, locational factors, and human capital variables have been seen as major contributing factors of income inquality in Thailand.
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Volume: 25
Number: 4
Page Start: 618
Page End: 627
