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Ref ID: 33083
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Huy Thong, Pham
Title: Con Moong Cave: a noteworthy archaeological discovery in Vietnam
Date: 1983
Source: Asian Perspectives (1980)
Notes: Listed on Scholar Space as <i>Asian Perspectives</i>, 1983
Abstract: Introduction: In April and May 1976, we conducted excavation in Con Moong Cave (<i>con moong</i> means 'beast') located in Cuc Phuong National Park, close to the boundaries of the three provinces of Thanh Hoa, Ha Narn Ninh, and Ha Son Binh. The present report deals with this archaeological undertaking, one of the more recent activities of Vietnamese archaeologists, which sheds additional light on an eventful and highly interesting period in Vietnamese and Southeast Asian prehistory: the Mesolithic. This report may give some idea of Vietnamese achievements in the study of our prehistory and protohistory and our contribution to science in general in the past years when our country was going through the hard trials of war and when our people were nonetheless pursuing their efforts to build a new life.
Date Created: 12/28/2002
Volume: 23
Number: 1
Page Start: 17
Page End: 21