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Ref ID: 32673
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Rolland, Nicolas
Title: The initial hominid colonization of Asia: a survey of anthropic evidence from biogeographic and ecological perspectives
Date: 2002
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Melaka, Malaysia, 1 to 7 July 1998.
Abstract: I review the fossil and Palaeolithic evidence, palaeoenviromental circumstances, and issues concerning the earliest peopling of Asia. Issues include long versus short chronologies for a hominid presence datum and determining migratory paths toward East Asia and the Indo-Pacific region. This review will consider biogeographic concepts such as dispersal probablities influenced by physiographic, bioclimatic and latitudinal obstacles, as well as ecological concepts such as plant and animal food biomasses and carrying capacities.
Date Created: 4/2/2003
Volume: 22
Page Start: 3
Page End: 15
