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Ref ID: 32511
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Esposito, Massimo
Reyss, Jean-Louis
Chaimanee, Yaowalak
Jaeger, Jean-Jacques
Title: U-series dating of fossil teeth and carbonates from Snake Cave, Thailand
Date: 2002
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science
Abstract: Snake Cave (Thailand) is an important site for the study of the evolution in Southeast Asia, leading to a discovery of rich and various faunas, including a human tooth. Fossils of large and small mammals converge to indicate, on the basis of faunal assemblage, a late Middle Pleistocene age for the fossiliferous layers
on the other hand, previous U-series dating of carbonates furnished a lower limit for the fossils of about 130 ky. In order to achieve a better comprehension of the chronology of the cave, the Uranium-series method for absolute age determination has been applied to some carbonates older than those studied previously and to fossils themselves. We used the isochron technique approach to yield valuable ages because spleleothem samples consist in a mixture of calcite and detrital contamination. The results obtained suggest that the main fossiliferous level is older than about 160 ky. The application of the U-series method to tooth samples from this tropical cave leads to erroneous ages, probably because of post depositional groundwater movements.
Date Created: 5/19/2003
Volume: 29
Number: 4
Page Start: 341
Page End: 349