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Ref ID: 31740
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Allen, Melinda S.
Title: Patterns of interaction in southern Cook Island prehistory
Date: 1996
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5 to 12 January 1994.
Abstract: Recent studies in the southern Cook Islands demonstrate the exotic goods, such as fine grained adze stone, ceramics, and pearlshell, moved between islands of the group and into the Cooks from other archipelagos. This sphere of interaction was regional in scale, minimally extending west to Samoa and east to the Societies. These communication links had been established by AD 1000 as demonstrated at four southern Cook Island sites spread across the archipelago. Regional interaction declined after AD 1600 but continued at a low level between islands of the southern Cook group until western contact.
Date Created: 10/19/2003
Volume: 15
Page Start: 13
Page End: 21