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Ref ID: 31608
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Hutt, G. I.
Raukas, A. V.
Title: Trien vong cua viec ap dung phuong phap nhiet phat huynh quang de xac dinh tuoi cua tram tich ky thu tu [ Prospects of the application of the thermoluminescence process for dating the Quarternary sediments]
Date: 1980
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 93 as follows: It's the translation of the article by G.I. hutt and A.U. Raukas, in the information of the Quarternary Research Office (in Russian), n.47, Science Publishing House in Moskua pp. 77-82. The authors have set up some principles in the thermo-luminescence processus and suggested the possibilities for applying this process for the absolute dating of ancient ceramics and geological object, namely in relation with the Quarternary sediments. They also note the differences of some account while applying this process for determining the dates currently in use in Geology as well as the difficulties met with while dating the physical age of Quarternary various sediments.
Date Created: 12/1/2003
Number: 33
Page Start: 84
Page End: 88