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Ref ID: 31097
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Quang Quyen,
Nguyen Thien Hung,
Title: Moi quan he giua loai hinh « Thuong » o Tay Nguyen va loai hinh « Dong Nam A » [ Relationship between the « Thuong » type in Tay Nguyen and the « Dong Nam A » one]
Date: 1987
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 16 as follows: On the basis of anthropological data relating to living people anh ancient skulls, the authors try to distinguish and make out the relationship between the « Thuong » (Highland people in Tay Nguyen) type and that of « Dong Nam A » (Southeast Asian) type in the evolution of history from early Neolithic up to now. The authors also remarl that the ethnic minorities in present day Tay Nguyen includes two main types: The « Thuong » group (living isolated so bearing ancient Australoid characteristics) and a group intermediary between « Thuong » and « Dong Nam A » types (with interealary mongoloid elements as a result of crossbreeding between ancient « Thuong » and ancient « Dong Nam A » anthropological features.
Date Created: 5/21/2004
Number: 64
Page Start: 11
Page End: 16