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Ref ID: 30835
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Hoang Van Khoan,
Title: Doi dieu ve cac chang duong hinh thanh va phat trien tien co Viêt Nam [ Some thoughts about periods of formation and development of ancients coins in Vietnam ]
Date: 1996
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 57 as follows: In Vietnam, there was natural barter before the the appearance of coins, later it became exchange of goods by intermediary value, then some materials were used as "money" (cowrie or snail shells...). The earliest round coins with square holes was dynastically titled Thien Duc, 544 BP. Paper notes were used later as Ho Quy Li had a monetary reformation. After that vietnamese feudal dynasties all casted different kinds of coins with various names. The information and development of Vietnamese ancient coins reflect the economic and social development at that time Moreover, value and names of the coins reflect the power of the Kings, feudal governments in ruling and contacting abroad.
Date Created: 6/6/2004
Page Start: 48
Page End: 57
