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Ref ID: 30812
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Trung Chien,
Title: Mot so van de thoi dai da moi va so ky kim khi mien Trung Viêt Nam [ Some problems of Neolithic and Early Metal Age in Central Part of Vietnam]
Date: 1997
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: The Central Part of Vietnam is like a diminished geographical model of the development of the typical prehistoric and protohistoric Culture of Vietnam from the Late Paleolithic - Early Neolithic - Late Neolithic - Early Metal Age. Through the system of the cultures developing from the Hoa Binh Culture in the coastal plain, it's possible to assume the second system of development from Hoa Binh straight to the Neolothic - Early Bronze Age in Quang Binh - Quang Tri in particular and Vietnam in general.
Date Created: 6/6/2004
Number: 102
Page Start: 27
Page End: 39
