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Ref ID: 30740
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Lan Cuong,
Title: Nghien cuu di cot nguoi co o dia diem Xom Oc [ Study of ancient human remains at Xom Oc site (Quang Ngai Province)]
Date: 1999
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: This is the fourth site, after My Tuong (Ninh Thuan), Bau Hoe (Binh Thuan), Binh Yen (Quang Nam), where ancient human bones of the Sa Huynh culture were found. At Xom Oc was discovered a double-buried grave a male at the age of 50-60, a female aged about 20-25 and a grave of a child about 3-4 years old. The male seemed lack of teeth (hypedontia) and cavity. Though part of facial skull was missing, based on some features and indexes, we suppose that the female bones might be close to Mongoloid. All these bones are kept in Quang Ngai Museum.
Date Created: 6/11/2004
Number: 110
Page Start: 3
Page End: 13
