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Ref ID: 30299
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Lorrillard, Michel
Title: Quelques données relatives à l'historiographie lao
Date: 1999
Source: Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient
Language: French
Abstract: The article begins with a general appraisal of the works of the modern Laotian historians (up to 1975) on the past of their country. The particular example of the famous scholar Maha Sila Viravong is taken. His writing of Lao history appears to be a direct continuation of the work of the Laotian historiographers from the 16th century onward. The ancient chronicles of Laos are characteriseed by different regional traditions which must be distinguished and correctly identified. However, the object of all of them is to legitimize a reigning dynasty. Several means have been used that are based as much on ancient animist beliefs as on more recent traditions of Buddhist religion. Apart from the links made with legends on the origins, flagrant examples of history being rewritten can be found in the Laotian chronicles. In certain cases, it seems that awkward events were purposely obscured. In others, the historian certainly responded to a concern for moralisation and idealisation of the facts. The chronicles perfectly reflect the context during which they were written, revealing the strengths and weaknesses of local power. Careful reading of them brings a renewed perception of the Laotian past.
Date Created: 3/20/2006
Volume: 86
Number: 1
Page Start: 219
Page End: 232