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Ref ID: 29810
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Budd, Paul
Gale, D.
Pollard, A. Mark
Thomas, Richard G.
Williams, P. A.
Title: The early development of metallurgy in the British Isles
Date: 1992
Source: Antiquity
Abstract: Studies of prehistoric extractive and fabrication techniques suggest that the traditional view, that the earliest copper metallurgy in the British Isles was based on the exploitation of primary minerals deriving from the southwest of Ireland, is fallaclous. Elaborate mineral selection and process control is not needed to produce copper of the composition reported for the Early Bronze Age, and so ore deposits in Britain were probably being exploited from a very early period.
Date Created: 10/17/2007
Volume: 66
Number: 252
Page Start: 677
Page End: 686