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Ref ID: 29215
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Willis, A.
Tayles, N.
Title: Field anthropology: application to burial contexts in prehistoric Southeast Asia
Date: 2009
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science
Abstract: The context of burials in archaeological sites, that is whether the body was inhumed, wrapped, or in a coffin, is an aspect of mortuary ritual that has been missing from English-language publications on the subject. This is despite the development and use in France over at least the last two decades of methods of determining the context under the rubric ‘l’Anthropologie de Terrain’, or Field Anthropology. This paper briefly reviews the methods and applies them to prehistoric burial samples from two sites in Southeast Asia. This shows that burials at the Bronze Age site of Ban Lum Khao were either in coffins or wrapped. The practice of coffin burial appears to have been abandoned later, as all burials at the nearby Iron Age site of Noen U-Loke were wrapped.
Date Created: 9/22/2009
Volume: 36
Number: 2
Page Start: 547
Page End: 554