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Ref ID: 29083
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Dinh Quoc Phuong,
Faylona, Marie Grace Pamela G.
Parry, Debra
Title: A conservation perspective on the Ba Dinh archaeological site
Date: 2009
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Abstract: This paper presents one of the four recommendations on the conservation and presentation management of the Ba Dinh Archaeological Site drafted during the 2nd Asian Academy for Heritage Management Field School in Hanoi in 2005. It presents the site’s background and identifies heritage issues, significance and values. It also covers the appropriate international charters and protocols on cultural conservation of heritage sites. It concludes with a statement on the impact of Ba Dinh to the people of Vietnam as regards their cultural and historical heritage and its worth in nation building.
Date Created: 3/25/2010
Volume: 29
Page Start: 61
Page End: 67