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Ref ID: 28762
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Carr, Christopher
Title: Advances in ceramic radiography and analysis: applications and potentials
Date: 1990
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science
Abstract: X-radiography can be used to study a variety of features of archaeological ceramics in order to solve a broad range ofarchaeological and anthropological problems. Many of these have only recently become possible with improvements in ceramic radiographic methods. Hidden features.that can be detected radiographically include coils, slabs, and their size, morphology, and methods of joining
the material type, approximate mineralogy, size, density, and orientation of aplastic inclusions or voids
fracture systems
paste texture
and hidden vessel parts. Under certain conditions, these features can be used to sort sherds by their vessels of origin, to identify the primary and secondary methods of vessel manufacture, to assess vessel function, lo complement petrography when identifying and sourcing trade vessels
and to identify postdepositional alterations. Both the basic data and inferred identities can be useful when reconstructing learning pools, vessel trade networks, and settlement functions
when estimating site occupation spans, population levels, frequencies of vessel trade, and stylistic-based measures of social interaction
and when building chronometric models of ceramic technological change. Bridging arguments that integrate X-radiographic methods, data, and some theoretical agendas of archaeology are made explicit.
Date Created: 3/31/2011
Volume: 17
Page Start: 13
Page End: 34