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Ref ID: 28093
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Sinopoli, Carla M.
Title: New research on an old collection: studies of the Philippine Expedition ("Guthe") Collection of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Date: 2014
Source: Asian Perspectives (2013)
Abstract: This article introduces recent studies on an important collection of Southeast Asian archaeological materials curated by the Asian Division of the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology. The Philippine Expedition or Guthe Collection derives from archaeological research conducted at more than 500 sites in southern and central Philippines in the early part of the last century—from 1922 to 1925. The collection consists of some 13,000 objects from some of the earliest systematic archaeological research in Southeast Asia. For more than 80 years, scholars from the Philippines, China, Japan, Europe, and North America have visited the collection to study the materials and ask new questions about the Southeast Asian past. The articles here continue this trajectory by presenting recent research on early modern trade in blue-on-white porcelains
technological style and the classification of large stoneware dragon jars
the cultural context of cranial deformation
and a sourcing study of indigenous earthenware ceramics using instrumental neutron activation. In this article, I provide some background on the Philippine Expedition and the remarkable museum collection that it generated, as well as some of this research, which continues to mine new knowledge from this nearly century-old museum collection.
Date Created: 10/20/2014
Volume: 52
Number: 1
Page Start: 1
Page End: 11