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Ref ID: 27816
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: He, J-D.
Peng, M-S.
Quang, H.H.
Dang, K.P.
Trieu, A.V.
Wu, S-F.
Jin, J.-Q.
Murphy, R.W.
Yao, Y-G.
Zhang, Y-P.
Title: Patrilineal perspective on the Austronesian diffusion in mainland Southeast Asia
Date: 2012
Source: PLOS One
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036437
Abstract: The Cham people are the major Austronesian speakers of Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) and the reconstruction of the Cham population history can provide insights into their diffusion. In this study, we analyzed non-recombining region of the Y chromosome markers of 177 unrelated males from four populations in MSEA, including 59 Chams, 76 Kinh, 25 Lao, and 17 Thai individuals. Incorporating published data from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), our results indicated that, in general, the Chams are an indigenous Southeast Asian population. The origin of the Cham people involves the genetic admixture of the Austronesian immigrants from Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) with the local populations in MSEA. Discordance between the overall patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA in the Chams is evidenced by the presence of some Y chromosome lineages that prevail in South Asians. Our results suggest that male-mediated dispersals via the spread of religions and business trade might play an important role in shaping the patrilineal gene pool of the Cham people.
Date Created: 2/3/2016
Volume: 7
Number: 5
Page Start: e36437