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Ref ID: 27783
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Pryce, Thomas Oliver
Aung Aung Kyaw
Andia, Lucy
Champion, Louis
Colonna, Camille
Favereau, Aude
Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe,
Peixoto, Xavier
Pradier, Baptiste
Willis, Anna
Valentin, Fréderique
Zazzo, Antoine
Title: Dating the Myanmar bronze age: preliminary <sup>14</sup>C dates from the Oakaie 1 cemetery near Nyaung'gan
Date: 2015
Source: Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology
Abstract: Since 2014 the Mission Archéologique Française au Myanmar has been excavating a prehistoric cemetery, Oakaie 1, adjacent to the famous Nyaung’gan Bronze Age cemetery in Sagaing Division. Oakaie 1 (OAI1) was selected as a Nyaung’gan proxy in order to better understand the Neolithic-Bronze Age-Iron Age chronological transitions in upper-central Myanmar, for eventual regional-scale synthesis. An initial attempt to AMS 14C date 13 human femurs failed due to a lack of collagen but a subsequent effort using an apatite dating methodology on 5 femurs was successful. These preliminary data bracket part of the cemetery from the 9th to 6th c. BC with a 4th-3rd c. BC outlier. Typological and technological analogies between OAI1 and Nyaung’gan pottery grave goods likewise suggest an early 1st millennium BC date for the local Bronze Age.
Date Created: 2/10/2016
Volume: 39
Page Start: 38
Page End: 49