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Ref ID: 26400
Ref Type: Conference Paper
Authors: Wasuwanich, Pipob
Kuentag, Chumpon
Title: Clay deposits of Thailand
Date: 1983
Source: Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Thailand
Place of Publication: Bangkok
Notes: The conference took place from November 19, 1983 to November 28, 1983.
Abstract: Kaolin and related clay deposits of Thailand are located in 6 main provinces, Lampang and Uttaradit in the North, Prachinburi in the Central and Nakorn Si Thammarat-Surat Thani, Ranong and Narathiwat in the South. These deposits represent the major mode of occurrences of kaolin that known to exist in the world. They are hydrothermal, residual and sedimentary deposits. The main sources are granitic and rhyolitic rocks. The major uses of Thai kaolin are mainly in ceramics, rubber, paints and paper. The annual output of commercial kaolin exceeds the peak at 45,000 metric tons in 1979. Common clays have been mined throughout the country mainly for the manufacture of construction bricks and pottery, and for a lesser extent in tiles. Shales are solely used for cement manufacturing.
Date Created: 10/10/2017