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Ref ID: 25709
Ref Type: Book Section in a Series
Authors: Plicht, J. van der
Title: Radiocarbon, the calibration curve and Scythian chronology
Date: 2004
Source: Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia
Place of Publication: Boston
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Abstract: Interpretation of Radiocarbon dates can be rather complex. For example, variations in the natural <sup>14</sup>C content cause the <sup>14</sup>C clock rate to vary throughout time, causing the need for calibration of the <sup>14</sup>C timescale. For the Scythian epoch, there is a problematic range in the <sup>14</sup>C calibration curve. Radiocarbon dates of around 2450 BP always calibrate to ca. 800-400 BC, no matter the measurement precision. <p> In order to establish reliable chronologies, both sate-of-the-art scientific and archaeological dating methods need to be employed. This includes high precision <sup>14</sup>C dating and AMS, enabling dating of small samples such as from museum collections or other precious materials. </p>
Date Created: 6/26/2008
Editors: Scott, E. Marian
Alekseev, Andrey Yu.
Zaitseva, Ganna
Page Start: 45
Page End: 61
Series Title: NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences