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Ref ID: 25620
Ref Type: Book Section in a Series
Authors: Spriggs, Matthew
Mumford, Winifred
Title: Southern Vanuatu rock art
Date: 1992
Source: State of the art: regional rock art studies in Australia and Melanesia. Proceedings of Symposium C "Rock art studies in Australia and Oceania" and Symposium D "The rock art of Northern Australia" of the First AURA Congress held in Darwin in 1988
Place of Publication: Melbourne
Publisher: Australian Rock Art Research Association
Abstract: Previous reports and interpretations of rock pictures, predominantly engravings but including some painted sites, reported from the southern islands of Vanuatu, mainly Aneityum but also Erromango and Tanna, are revisited. New results are presented in the form of a gazetteer of sites with accompanying illustrations. A comparison is made with rock art from New Caledonia and islands to the north, including the Solomons and parts of eastern New Guinea, then their possible meanings are considered briefly. The authors conclude that more detailed recording is necessary along with cautious and systematic approach to ethnohistoric and ethnographic materials in interpretation.
Date Created: 12/2/2008
Editors: AURA Congress
McDonald, J.
Haskovec, I. P.
Volume: 6
Page Start: 128
Page End: 143
Series Title: Occasional AURA publication