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Ref ID: 24939
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Di Crocco, Virginia M.
Title: Early Burmese ceramics from Srikshetra and Pagan and the problem of the identification of the P'iao Kingdom of the Chinese chronicles
Date: 1992
Source: Southeast Asian Archaeology 1990: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists
Place of Publication: Hull
Publisher: Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull
Abstract: Chinese chronicles of the T'ang period refer to a Pïao Kingdom with walls of green glazed brick pierced by twelve gates whose people used glazed jars. The kingdom was located past the confluence of the Mi-no (Chindwin) and Li-shui (Irrawaddy) Rivers and had walls of varying sizes. It was plundered by the Man in AD 832. Near the city were sandy mountains where grasses and trees would not grow. Pagan rather than Srikshetra best fits the description of this kingdom since it is near the confluence of the Chindwin and Irrawaddy, had a glazed ceramic tradition beginning in the T'ang period, is located south of a sandy barren hilly area, and the center of its kingdom was moved in AD 849. Srikshetra on the other hand has yielded little evidence of glazed ceramics and does not conform to the information in the Chinese chronicles.
Date Created: 3/29/2001
Editors: Glover, Ian C.
Page Start: 53
Page End: 61