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Ref ID: 24690
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Stuart-Macadam, Patricia L.
Title: Nutritional deficiency diseases: a survey of scurvy, rickets, and iron-deficiency anemia
Date: 1989
Source: Reconstruction of life from the skeleton
Place of Publication: New York
Publisher: Alan R. Liss
Abstract: Chapter focuses on scurvey, rickets, and rion deficiency anemia. Surveys these conditions in terms of pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, history, and archaeological evidence. Concludes chapter by stressing that these three diseases result from improper or incomplete nutrition rahter than from overall malnutrition. Notes that children under two years of age are most often affected. The presence of cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis is suggested to present the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia in childhood. The cause of the disorder must be multifactorial and include the presence of infectious disease and parasites, as well as possible dietary factors.
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Editors: Iscan, M. Yasar
Kennedy, Kenneth A. R.
Page Start: 201
Page End: 222
