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Ref ID: 23990
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Irwin, Geoffrey
Bellwood, Peter
Nitihaminoto, Gunadi
Tanudirjo, Daud
Siswanto, Loko
Title: Prehistoric relations between island Southeast Asia and Oceania: recent archeological investigations in the Northern Moluccas
Date: 1999
Source: Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent
Place of Publication: Paris
Publisher: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Abstract: This paper presents information concerning some of the archaeological sites recently investigated in Maluku Utara, Indonesia, and especially on the island of Gebe, which is strategically located with respect to several current problems in regional prehistory in the eastern part of Wallacea. Three main problems are considered: An episode of Pleistocene colonisation and subsequent settlement dating from prior to 30,000 bp. The spread of Neolithic and ceramic sites in Island Southeast Asia and the nature of their relationship to the appearance of Lapita sites further east, some 3500 bp. Pre-European evidence for the emergence of trade in spices in the Moluccas since approximately 2000 bp. The paper also considers some themes in prehistoric relations between what are now, Island Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Date Created: 11/8/2006
Editors: Galipaud, Jean-Christophe
Lilley, Ian
Page Start: 363
Page End: 374