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Ref ID: 22832
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Marano, Pasquale
Meduri, Agostino
Pirronti, Tommaso
Calicchio, Domenico
Rispoli, Fiorella
Vidale, Massimo
Title: Xeroradiografia e radiografia digitale a luminescenza: risultati preliminari di indagini su due campioni di ceramica pre-protostorica orientale
Date: 1992
Source: 3rd International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Microanalytical Methods and Environment Evaluation for Study and Conservation of Works of Art
Publisher: BetaGamma
Language: Italian
Abstract: This paper describes some preliminary results of a research program carried out by the Institute of Radiology of Policlinico Gemelli (Rome)and Is.M.E.O. (Rome). Our goal is the reconstruction of the forming techniques of protohistoric ceramics of the IsMEO collection testing different radiographic techniques. The ceramics come from recent excavations in central Thailand and previous Italian excavations in eastern Iran: the two assemblages were selected as, together, they represent a wide range of manufacturing techniques, from coil-building to molding and various forms of wheelthrowing. We discuss the use of xeroradiography and digital radiography with photostimulable phosphor receptors, as well as some implications of these techniques for the archaeological reconstruction of ancient ceramic technologies.
Date Created: 11/5/2013
Editors: Istituto Centrale per il Restauro
Associazione Italiana Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica
Volume: 1
Page Start: 395
Page End: 414
