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Ref ID: 22511
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Gani, Nicholas
Title: An ethnoarchaeological perspective on salt production in the Kelabit-Kerayan highlands of central Borneo
Date: 2015
Source: Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology
Place of Publication: Bangkok, Thailand
Publisher: SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts
Abstract: To the people of the Kelabit-Kerayan highlands in Central Borneo, salt is a very important item economically and culturally. Salt production, alongside paddy planting and livestock rearing, is one of the main economic activities among the different groups of people living in the Kelabit-Kerayan highlands. Besides being a highly valued commodity of trade, throughout history, salt has also functioned as signifiers of identity and wealth and given as gifts to important visitors. This paper employs an ethnoarchaeological perspective in the study of salt production among the contemporary and linguistically- and culturally-related communities in the Kelabit-Kerayan highlands. One of the objectives of this paper is to document the salt production process in the Kelabit-Kerayan highlands and the material culture involved. Additionally, this paper will discuss how the remains of such activities may be visible in the archaeological record.
Date Created: 1/20/2016
Editors: Tan, Noel Hidalgo
Page Start: 129
Page End: 143